Dec 20, 2004 20:14

Today is my birthday and it was SOOO SOOO wonderful. Jonathan came over around 12:00 and we opened gifts. He got me a DVD player, Guster On Ice, a Guster CD, Girl Interrupted on DVD, and new Burkenstocks! That was christmas and birthday gifts....then he opened his Christmas gifts from me. I got him an x-box, a dvd, and a stocking with some little things in it. He took me out to lunch @ the Ninety Nine and it was very good! We came back to my house and watched a dvd and hung around. Then when my parents got home we had cake and played some cards. I'm a pretty simple person...so it doesn't take much to amuse me. I'm not much of a party person so it was nice just having people I really love around me. My parents bought me a new cell phone and my mom got me a pineapple paradise air freshener for my car! I also got some other gifts. Jenn Merrill gave me my christmas presents early...a coffee mug with candy in it, a little teddy bear, and a candle. Tasha was my secret santa at work and she got me a candle, bath stuff, and a bumble bee massager (one for your back) just to make that clear. I got some cards and family phone calls and my pants from Old Navy came in the mail! They are a size too big but hopefully I can shrink them in the wash. I had a great day and thanks to everyone who left me a message!

p.s. I'M OLD and I have onion breath.

KimmieBits13: happy birthday to u
happy birthday to u

XJONXROURKEX: its midnight happy birthday love you are now twenty i love you so much

hai hay e 4 6: happy birthday ya old fart=-O


BngTknAlchlc00: wishing you a very happy birthday 8-)

jeNNvbplayer13: happy birthday jenlskafjskdfjai3572383lksjdfasufa394ulaikfjkldsfj

elbreK a y 626: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN!!!!

AdamdangA: happy birthday ms marcotte

Andrea 21 UNH: Well Happy Birthday to ya Jen:-D

Rando5512: happy birthday loser :-D

allsoftball14: happy birthday


x 12 StonesFan x: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jollyguy998: happy birthday :-)

AMcCarthy03: HAPPY B-LATED BIRTHDAYYYY JENNNNNNNNNN...i didnt forget i just didnt have time to go on my comp yesterday!!!

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