[Two weeks. It's been almost two weeks since Noel's rescue, and yet the one responsible for the kidnapping is still on the loose. It bothers the silver-haired Murakumo. Why let him roam free? Even if he was injured in the fight, to her, it just doesn't seem as if he got his just desserts yet. That's why she didn't stick around when he escaped - and why she'd spent the time since then following Hazama around, hoping for an opportunity to actually deal with him.
...But dammit, it's getting hard to keep this up. For once, she feels genuinely tired - exhausted, even. She had been pushing herself a lot this month... though she didn't think it would end up leaving her this drained. Sometimes, ν-13 is really a little too tenacious - or stubborn, rather - for her own good.
There's one thing she can still try, though. Even if the time isn't quite right, it's... it's worth a shot, isn't it?
And thus, she decides to write a filtered message to someone.]
[Filtered to Ragna // 57% unhackable]
[The journal's image shows nothing but the sky and a few trees, though the sound of flowing water can be heard. The writing is... messy, albeit legible, and Ragna should be able to recognize it as the same writing as that of the anonymous person that gave him a clue to Hazama's whereabouts a little more than two weeks ago.]
Reply as soon as you see this.
It's about that man. ...Terumi.
[That's all the "anonymous" person has to say for the time being. The specifics will have to wait a little longer.]