Throne of Grace

May 06, 2008 10:19

God is amazing, His lovingkindness is absoltely amazing. I've always thought if I sinned, "man God must be wanting to disown me." I was dead wrong. The very fact that you can consider repentance is God showing you his kindness, though we fall short every day (Romans 3:23) our physical mindedness is no excuse.

I've been struggling lately, I've had twisted dreams about remembering prophecy and being pulled to the bottom of a black lake with a sick harlot's laughter as I'm being pulled to the bottom of the lake. I cry out to God, and He literally wakes me up. It's happened twice this week, isn't that interesting? I think I'm not getting enough sleep or something.

:) I'm coming home in 8 days, I'm stoked! Ministry, cross country, family, girlfriend, friends, :(

My parents want to do something nice for Lissy, but I've been teasing her about it. I adore that girl, she's the best. She's graduating in...a month, well a month yesterday. We're all growing's weird. My friends Erich and Nick got engaged this past month, and they're both my age. They suck. My time will come, and when it does, Jimmy YOU will be my taco man. I hope Lissy can come with me to one of the weddings...even though Nick's is going to be in Maryland and Erich's is going to be here in Georgia. Gay.haha

Ben's been all over the place with SGA and RA duties, it's hilarious but sad because we never hang out anymore; except when we both get to bed and he asks me to tell him a story.

Dr. Wetmore is leaving soon, which stinks cause yesterday was our last class. He taught us how to historically prove not only is Jesus the Son of God, but Jesus was indeed Messiah!! God is truly amazing. It is well, it is well with my soul
I need motivation to keep me running cross country, I've been so lazy lately. I've been running, just not as hard as I could. I've been running with Elliott about 4 miles up hill with a warm up mile. Its killer, when it gets hot here, it gets hot :( We've been averaging about 5-6 minutes a mile.


I miss my girl. I can't wait to see her in a few days...
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