Mar 21, 2007 13:23
its posting time!
so since my last entry, ive rather enjoyed myself. or at the very least, ive enjoyed my weekend. so lets recap from there. left early, and met up with friends in toronto. we headed straight for the con, got there just after the opening. it was like 5% of the size FanExpo is, but its a Con! that counts! and there were so many cosplayers 0.0 and SO many of them werent wearing enough. its like, dont get me wrong; i dont object to the showing of skin. me and my camara love the beach life, yknow? but, boys and girls, wearing revealing costumes when it is FREAKING COLD OUT is just dumb. i cringed every time i saw someone walking around without enough to keep warm. im a total advocate for warmth. curling up and keeping someone warm is one of my favorite pastimes! so please, i get your conviction, and i applaud you. but next time, pick a more 'winterized' costume. or i will take my giant fan and beat you all upside your heads.
oh, and 300 some-odd pound girl wearing the sailor scout outfit? what in GODS NAME where YOU thinking? cosplay something that COMPLIMENTS the way you look, not something that makes people want to GOUGE their own eyes out. mmk? mmk. honestly, im one of the least stereotypical people out there - i dont care how much you weigh. gods know i could stand to lose a few myself. but im not struting about in a miniskirt three sizes too small for me, so please, spare us all that horror at the expo.
so. i bought six manga, a wall scroll, a kingdom hearts key necklace (now nicknamed 'the key to my heart - no stealing!') and was really a good boy and didnt buy the over-expensive japanese wall scroll with the tiger on it. i purred, i whined about not buying it, i even flirted with the guy at the booth, but i DID NOT buy it. yay me. we did a bunch of walking around downtown, stopped at bubbletease like three times during the day (good gods that orange-pineapple one was so good...) and we settled on going to a korean grill house. lots of bishi waiters o.0 and grills! at every table, set into the table. ive never been to a place where the food arrives raw, and you cook it yourself. it was fun tho! and all you can eat meat. i am *such* a carnivore.
and besides spending almost three hours in a coffee shop, sketchbooks and fun times, that was basically the whole night. and i was extremely grateful to the great and glorious Mel for freeing me from this hell hole for the day.
speaking of home - we've had a guest. my sister's boyfriend, who lives in like winnipeg, is here for spring break. HIS spring break, not hers, which was last week. so she took two days off school, and went to school today, leaving me here with a very typical shy-guy male teenager. he doesnt seem able to talk and look you in the eye at the same time, and hasnt done much besides watch tv, eat, and give his thumbs a work out with the playstation. its cute in a...weird kinda hermit way.
and speaking of typical male - something i am not! lol - i seem to have survived my 'spring fever' without much incident. but i think thats got something to do with a different ailment - i seem to be getting a cold. i shouldve seen it coming, with the weather going so quick from warm to cold and back again, its only natural I get sick. natural for me, anyhow. hopefully its just one of those 2 or 3 day bugs, cause i dont want to be stuck indoors the whole week. we're apparently supposed to go to niagara on thursday or friday, and i really wanna go and visit again. i hated it while i was living there, but i dont mind visiting, yknow? anyhow.
ive got a big ol stack of manga staring at me - i should do something about that. and i most likely am going to re-organize the bookshelves; a constant problem for me. i might even have to put some more in storage! le cry.
oh! and i should remind myself to go through all the bases ive collected lately; maybe ill be inspired to make some new icons! heres hoping.