Mar 11, 2007 11:46
well, its been a long, long time. last...may? it was the last time i updated? but hey, ive become more active online lately and i might as well give this another shot. and most of the people who used to actually read this before are mostly not around anymore. anyhow.
not much has changed in a year. car situation? the same. ive had my license for over a year now, but my car has sat where it is. most if not all of the body work has been done, breaks and engine were worked on, now ive got a few more internal things i need to sort out and pay for before i can afford silly little things like insurance, or a license plate. that sort of thing. but im getting there....slowly. my parents seem to like keeping me in a situation that forces me to continue here, in this house, being their own personal maid/cook/babysitter/errand boy. and due to several factors, and my own dwindling self esteem, i havent been able to counter this problem yet.
last time i updated Premier was looking to let me go. well, things came up, my mom went on sick leave, and i ended up taking her job while she was gone. long story short, i ended up there until november. ive been out of work since. 3 reasons, really. 1) i live in belhaven. on the side of keswick. which might as well be in the middle of the damn Outback. 2) nobody's hiring during the winter. i did some little temp work during the holiday season, but otherwise, nothing. and im not the only one i know job hunting right now, so i can safely say this is not my fault. the last reason is my fault; im become one big cup of crazy. my sisters, my parents, theyr'e conspiring to drive me to the brink. my sisters its not really directed at me, im just the 'babysitter'. or in most cases, im the ref. because all they do all day long is fight with each other. normal, right? well since they're both now into their full 'womanhood' its starting to kill my mind. and my parents constantly on my case about every little fucking thing.. basically the only thing i can do is keep my silence and keep doing as im told. its the only way to keep the peace, but it keeps the 'obediant little teenager' safely right in front of their eyes. and thats all they're gonna see me as as long as im stuck with my ass living here. and since right now im only feeding off the government for money - yay unemployment cash - theres not much i can do about it.
so thats how it stands. surprise? i live off going out with my friends whenever i can, i spend very small amounts of money on myself to keep from going insane (my last purchase being Sabrina the Teenage Witch season one) and trying very, very hard not to kill anybody. unfortunetly the people in the most danger are the people i live with. and of course, work my ass off at getting a decent job long enough to gather enough cash to live my life my own damn self.