Sep 02, 2005 23:08
dude i know that all the world has been waiting on this moment! my comments about senior year! for those who don't know ut @ austin is where i want to go to study political science (government). then i want to work for the CIA and become Agent King. i mean how freakin' kick ass is that? so, i've written two essays, printed out info...going to talk to my admissions counselor (who graduated from Holmes...btw) and i'm ready to say hello world! of, course there is all this freakin' drama that i don't freakin' need. i mean seriously...get over yourself sci. ac. seniors...i mean yes we're better than the "normies" but that doesn't mean ya'll have to be so damn irritating. i finally know why no one wants to sit near xavier fair because everyone thinks his breathing is funny. i do laugh but deep down i know it's mean and cruel. graduation pictures are tomorrow b/c i missed the summer date. i currently have a green masque on my face now to minimize pores. i mean who wants a giant-pored picture? ha ha! ummm...i miss having certain people in my class and then there are some that i do have in my classes that i loathe and can live without. so far my whole guy drama is zero. it's official chris d. is gettin' more action than i am. i mean dude i know that i'm loud, obnoxious, annoying, and chubby but damn it i'm freakin' entertaining and who wouldn't want to date me? obviously every freakin' guy in the planet! uugghh! i hate the whole social stigma of spinster! i tell you that whole "forty-year old virgin" thing is gonna be like my life pretty soon. dude i know it's early but i don't want to go anlone to prom...that is like so sad. speaking of sad my calculus that's sad. i'm pretty sure that i'm failing and that i'm gonna drop it and take a math ism. dude i hate mr. oliver's teaching style. he lacks it! ahhhhh! well i gotta wash off this gunk on my face. ttyl.