Aug 10, 2005 01:24
school is almost in session and this summer has been freakin' awsome! tomorrow tiffany is comin' into town...yes! i haven't seen here in like two years! i haven't seen sarah in a while...hi! he's back and it's weird now...he's such a stupid boy! dana and i have the exact same schedule! aahhh! crazy shit!
1. world geography H M
2. biotechnology H M
3. physics 1 M
4. lunch!!
5. aca dec
6. us government AP M
7. calculas AP M
8. english 4 AP M
interesting, eh? dude who the fuck takes four ap classes senior year, besides me oh, and dana who is taking five b/c she's taking physics c ap...crazy chica! ahhh! aca dec is gonna rock this year! whoooo! state! yes! he he! well... ttyl.