Nov 10, 2003 16:45
There's this photography book called "100 Suns," I can't remember the artist's name. It's basically photos of a hundred different nuclear tests sites and the results that were produced. In short, one hundred mushroom clouds. The photographer said that one of the ideas behind the book was that if you were a person totally ignorant to atomic bombs, you might think that these images were pretty or appealing in some way. I just thought it was interesting and I recommend it to anyone, even if you just want something to look at in a bookstore. It reminded me of being in middle school and how me and my dad would just sit there and the couch staring at the TV while the Discovery Channel played old footage of Bikini Island or when the Soviets dropped a hydrogen bomb in Antarctica. Just staring in awe of absolute energy used for destruction. Erie but poetic at the same time. I could sum up my own metaphor for the bombs but I'll keep that one to myself.
I was at Tower with Sam and Tony the other night, and they started to play a Slayer Live CD over the intercom. Now, not that I've got anything against Slayer, but they're just a shitty band. In my opinion, they've only produced two decent tracks: "Raining Blood" and "War Ensemble." The rest is just the same repetitive tritone crap, and the devil, anti-religion bag gets tiring too. Real cheesy too, on the CD Tom Araya just tries to get his voice creepy as he talks about Ed Gein. Finally, I get bored of hearing Kerry King say that everything that came out after "Reign In Blood" that was fast and distorted was copying Slayer. Give it a break dude.
I never realized that my eyes actually change color until I noticed them in the mirror. I thought that everyone was just bullshitting me or not paying attention. Oh well, yadda yadda yadda.