It is 5:45 am. I have a final at 9 am. I didn't mean for this to just did. And see...I'm not even tired. What happened was...after two full days of hard studying (and...other things) I feel asleep around 1 am and woke up around 4:30 am. I wasn't tired, and I still had studying to do, so I decided to stay up and just run with it.
Ok. That's how I got here...but how did I Oh...that doesn't really matter. What matters is that I just had a bowl of Lucky Charms because there's lots of complimentary breakfast food in the kitchen (I love finals week). What also matters is that after today's final I'm free! (Until I have class at 1 pm today, and until I have class again tomorrow morning, and until Friday morning when I have to take another final, and until the middle of January when I have to take my Russian final...) Woo!
Ok...finish the obligatory discussion of the work I have to do. In more important new:
I want to go to the Grand Canyon. Like...tomorrow. Er, I mean today. The only problem is I don't think I'd make it there and back by Friday. Blast. But I think this WILL happen...possibly over spring break. Or at least I hope something of a similar nature will happen.
Did I even write in my livejournal about my recent obsession which children who were raised by wolves? Somehow I don't think so...
Anyway, there are actually a lot of them floating about throughout history. Check out to see what I mean.
All right, I'd better get back to studying non-viscous flows and vortex sheets and doublets and airfoils and whatnot...