Dec 08, 2003 02:06
As I'm sitting hear and the clock is nearing 3:40 am, I'm watching a few courageous (in this context courage is synonymous with idiocy, but that's the way the world should be) souls hurl themselves down some snow-covered (and by snow-covered I mean...SNOW UP THE WAZOO in case those of you that don't attend college in Boston haven't heard the news) stairs glamorous rickety shopping carts. Oh, the absolute radness of it all.
Speaking of radness, in order to seize the moment (and by moment I mean...36 hours of solid snowfall!) I wasted ungodly (yet irreconcilably sacred and holy, oh yes) amounts of time playing in the snow. I burried Sarah in the snow (at her request, she wanted to be the snow...the ultimate escape through ultimate self-imprisonment) in the guise of a viking-opera-singer with enormous heaving breasts (stop breathing! everytime you do you separate your bosom!). I tackled my friends...over and over. We built numerous tunnels through giant snowdrifts. It was the opposite of giving birth (that means sex?).
(Side note: now the people are carrying off a giant...table?...for who knows what divine purpose...oh I love the snow and I love MIT students flexing their overworked and overstressed brains in it)
We also started a grand architectural project...a fort in side a giant sculpture. Oh, the radness continued...only my energy was waning and the frostbite (ok, maybe not quite, but the coldness) was waxing at that point, so after taking a break to lie in the snow myself I finally went inside...only to come back out again in a few minutes for a barbeque in the snow. Mmmmmm.
So yes, this good day contined with...Andrew Wong's birthday party, followed by no-penises-allowed hot cocoa and kahlua, and then the first half of My Fair Lady (ahhhhhhhh...sigh...).
So, in was great fun...burgeoning with radness. And despite all the not-working I did...I did achieve a lot (interviewing Anat--can't forget that lovely pumpkin cheesecake, writing and revising the first half of my paper...), but nonetheless I am now faced with:
Too much work and...not enough time in which to do it.
But at least I'm one of those people who doesn't freak out in situations like this (and only continues to do more not-work...hence...ok I'm sure I needn't go on...). I'm perfectly calm and cool about the fact that I have to conjure up my linguistics research project (on the Hebrew language...I would be completely good to go except...I need more data) and start and finish a massive looming ominous Unified p-set (8 problems? the last week? when we have finals so soon? that's illegal, right?) by Tuesday afternoon. Despite all these things...I'm pretty happy. Woo.
Ok, back to the grinding stone, drawing board, jackhammer, butter-churn, potter's wheel, wherever it is I do my work...