Jun 28, 2013 09:04
No more than four days ago a friend of mine made a joke about going back to live journal because facebook is so lame, and tumblrs for kids. So i decided to check out my live journal. After about two days of password guessing and email searching i broke into my live journal. Its rather interesting to come back to the person I was in middle school and high school, rather i was surprised i even used this in high school.
When i keep a journal i never think to look back on it, i mean; i get it, thats why we keep journals. I think? Maybe thats now why i keep a journal. Upon the very shelf that stand behind me there are no less than five composition books not even counting the endless moleskins that liter my desk drawers and bags. I feel as if a journal operates as a fresh breath. As the pressure grows and builds within me the journal is the little blow off valve that lets some of that pressure out. Whether its emotional pressures or stress from work a journal is a pretty helpful tool, but to look back over the years in which i've kept these journals its an interesting timeline of development.
From the first melodramatic live journal posts of an angsty pre-teen to an overly ambitious slacker to where i stand now. The bike riding, craft beer drinking, coffee making, photographer. It was almost preconceived.
flash back,
live journal,