Oct 04, 2012 20:02
- Wed, 12:32: Photo: http://t.co/N7wP4QPK
- Wed, 12:40: Photoset: yuki326: Monthly The Television(1211) 1 via wb/jl0302 http://t.co/yjZZYKxi
- Wed, 12:40: Photo: http://t.co/fLGlPaXv
- Wed, 12:40: Photoset: yuki326: Monthly The Television(1211) 2 via wb/jl0302 http://t.co/hloaBV4o
- Wed, 12:41: Photo: http://t.co/uIdnguMn
- Wed, 12:41: Photoset: yuki326: オリスタ(120928) 4 via wb/masakitaisuki http://t.co/PB3yXIXy
- Wed, 12:41: Photoset: yuki326: オリスタ(120928) 2 via wb/masakitaisuki http://t.co/b8gvcOHR
- Wed, 12:42: Can't wait to go to Suki-ya tomorrow! And then having the third snowflake~XDDD
- Wed, 12:44: Photo: http://t.co/wUUFI9fz
- Wed, 12:45: Photoset: http://t.co/Y85biKdH
- Wed, 12:46: Photo: trytobenormal2: Chord overstreet and a cute baby! http://t.co/yQP5sLqb
- Wed, 12:47: Photo: http://t.co/zoYltfcT
- Wed, 12:47: Photo: ukglee: He’s so cute:) http://t.co/j6QXDFkl
- Wed, 12:49: Photoset: yuki326: Ohno & Nino @ Monthly The Television(1211) 1 via wb/jl0302 http://t.co/oLJzU2uE
- Wed, 12:49: Photoset: yuki326: ひみつの嵐ちゃん & VS嵐 @ Monthly The Television(1211) via wb/jl0302 http://t.co/RZjFlkxZ
- Wed, 12:51: I keep seeing photos of my celebrities crushes with babies/kids. First Jun, and then Sho with Fuku-kun and now, Chord with his nephew!
- Wed, 12:54: So, Blaine cheat on Kurt with another guy? Okay. Fine. I started to hate his character. Now, give me more SAM!
- Wed, 13:02: Photo: http://t.co/SBO8nVcP
- Wed, 13:04: Rewatching Utaban and I really miss Taka-san + Nakai ridiculousness!! ROFL
- Wed, 13:50: Photo: veeeeecky: AH!!!! YOU’RE SO CUTE!!!! http://t.co/TF0WtI3G
- Wed, 13:53: fyeahgleeclub: Spoiler Chat - fyeahgleeclub: Lucas in N.H.: I need Santana Scoop! When do we get to see her?... http://t.co/u4AfSmBX
- Wed, 13:54: Video: dizzycrazyvaintoday: 18/30 - Fave OTP or Member-Ai moment My imagination ran wild when I first saw... http://t.co/d94UPS1q
- Wed, 13:54: Dear followers: - 0erba: Roses are red Tumblr is blue You’re halfway across the world But I still love you http://t.co/58NxZiFq
- Wed, 13:54: Photo: sakumoto-world: LOL if you understand… http://t.co/JNBRRBNF
- Wed, 13:54: Photo: sakumoto-world: LOL if you understand… http://t.co/DGHExIvn
- Wed, 13:55: Photo: hana-yori-rina: Yes. http://t.co/V8Ti4ff0
- Wed, 13:55: Photoset: Sugi-chan: What pretty double eye-lids. Jun: ……really? http://t.co/MdN6VHa0
- Wed, 13:55: Photoset: http://t.co/hnJCIYQ3
- Wed, 14:18: http://t.co/wOVSfQrr
- Wed, 14:36: http://t.co/tvenBWzC
- Wed, 14:51: Done editing new profile for LJ XDD
- Wed, 14:57: Photo: lolarashi: sgkaylee: Year 2002 Ohno: Yesterday, i was sleeping in the same room as Sho and then…... http://t.co/oFtHn8gf
- Wed, 14:57: Photoset: http://t.co/KN86Qtjo
- Wed, 14:58: dylans-hoebrien: sometimes i will just get annoyed with people randomly. like i don’t even have a real... http://t.co/LTTwqdfi
- Wed, 15:35: I shouldn't take my evening nap. Now, I am wide awake and I have a morning class tomorrow!
- Wed, 15:57: Photoset: kiltholic: Nurseman! http://t.co/wPs5BX6S
- Wed, 23:40: Photoset: roojieq: The couple that says whatup together stays together lol http://t.co/4CD3SanT
- Wed, 23:40: Photo: chorrd: Samantha stealing a surprise kiss from Mercedes. http://t.co/qfjERSg2
- Wed, 23:42: That Awkward Moment When...you want to sympathize with the fandom over their ships breaking up, but you... http://t.co/XI13acjD
- Wed, 23:42: Photoset: Glee Cast and Chewbacca http://t.co/lue1629y
- Wed, 23:42: Photo: http://t.co/Ag7RKNfC
- Wed, 23:43: Photoset: http://t.co/xIeHYzUi
- Wed, 23:43: Photo: http://t.co/8Hu5kuMj
- Wed, 23:43: Photo: http://t.co/9IHOLF9Q
- Wed, 23:43: Photo: gleefansorg: HQs at the source http://t.co/mlCDc7mZ
- Wed, 23:43: Photo: http://t.co/LBEvP2sG
- Wed, 23:43: Photo: http://t.co/np4KHuHc
- Wed, 23:43: Photo: http://t.co/jMtu6Fb0
- Wed, 23:43: Photo: 3/100 Pictures of → Chord Overstreet http://t.co/yuzthnNR
- Wed, 23:43: Photo: im-fuckin-unicorn: Chord is incredible. No one can judge him. http://t.co/9PqzQJ1s
- Wed, 23:44: Photoset: http://t.co/NzJNqVQU
- Wed, 23:44: Photo: http://t.co/i48WTUB4
- Wed, 23:44: Photoset: http://t.co/YTAttSXe
- Wed, 23:44: Photoset: http://t.co/Eyo0B9OO
- Wed, 23:44: Photo: http://t.co/V2CsoGpp
- Thu, 08:52: RT @ chordoverstreet: Fun day on set w the ole gang!
- Thu, 08:55: No snowflake but got my groovy lime McFlurry!
- Thu, 09:04: Sakurai Sho. The dork who hold my sweet heart. I love you for ever. #NationalPoetryDay
- Thu, 09:19: RT @ yamakaze0672: Best jeanist to Aiba-chan
- Thu, 09:26: 【ついに櫻井翔さん登場!】すべてをイチから見直し、「機能美」と「優美」を兼ね備えたAir frameα。Made in Japanが叶えた発色の良さをご自身の目で確かめてください! #jins http://t.co/pP41E93O
- Thu, 09:42: Photoset: aiba-wifey: Best jeanist. AGAIN!!! Aiba is really hot in jeans.