I really love Wild at Heart's choreography. I really do ♥ Yara did an excellent work for it! Last night MSta was full of Sho's dorkiness. I guess the main reason I really love the choreography is because of Sho. I love how he moves his body to the rhythm ♥
This part killed me last night! It just so breathtaking♥ The way his body movesssssss♥
I admit that this part is one of the reasons I love the performance. Last night, their shoulders touched! ♥ I really like it how the other three are kind of pointing at these two ♥
Yeah, the hair has a miraculous effect on me. I love it! I love how his hair would move every time he's dance♥ It just looks so smooth and silky ♥
And this man was a dork too last night. Ever since the minisute, he was hyper!XD