Day 1: Tell the story of how you came to be a fan of Arashi. Include one lie in your story and see if people can guess which part is the lie.
I was a KDrama's lover until I found Nodame Cantabile and re-started my craze for Japanese drama. During that time, I was head over the hill with Tamaki Hiroshi. Because of him I started to join the forum that mostly discuss over JDrama. I knew about Arashi because way back in 2008, Jun and Hanadan were famous. I love Hanadan - the manga version. I've read the manga and meteor garden [Taiwan version] is one of my favourite dramas. When I heard about the Japanese version, I was being sceptical. However, after watching Nodame Cantabile, I started to crave for more Japanese dramas. Then, I stumbled upon Hanadan in DramaCrazy. I watched the whole drama and finished the two seasons in two weeks!
I really like the theme songs and I was officially one of those Hanadan's maniac. I started to google around for Hanadan and stumbled upon a blog. The girl put a video of Arashi performing One Love in FNS and that's the first time I saw them performing. When I started my degree in the end of 2008, I got a room mate who really love JDrama. She has tons of dramas and I asked for some JDramas from her. She gave me Maou and some other dramas. Then, I exchanged some dramas with a friend. She gave me Yamada Tarou. I still remember how I love watching the first episode and how I thought that Mimura was not suitable for the role since he's not handsome at all. But when he smiled, I felt like my heart stopped for awhile. By then, I already know about Jun, Nino and Sho are band mates.
I've decided to look through you tube for the Hanadan's theme song and found WISH PV. Then, I saw Sakura Sake PV and the setting really appealing to me. I love school/classroom setting. Plus, their outfits were really cool! That's the first time I fell in love with Arashi as a group. Then, I found all of their crazy videos on you tube. My first full Shukudai-kun episode was the one with Morisanchuu. My weekends were spent in the student lounge - browsing you tube for Arashi stupid antiques! Then, I started to google for any downloadable videos about Arashi. Found my way to Aibakaland and registered. Browsing around and started posting like crazy to meet the requirement for the VIP section and all the sub files. Doing some googling again and found out the awesomeness of LJ that I had taken for granted before. (I've made an account during my Tamaki Hiroshi's craze and abandoned my LJ after the first day I created it). Ever since then, I've known that I had fallen to these five adorkable guys.