Summer n no livejournal

Aug 17, 2004 20:27's been a long time...well to wrap it up to the major events of my summer...
-summer school ( was summer n i was in school...enough said..hehe j/k it wasnt bad)
-turks and caicos (family vaca! such fun with the greatest girls!)
-Kanakuk (so awesome!)
-Peak 3 (lots of fun!)
-Disney for Sam's b-day! (Fun Fun Fun...sam, jordan, steph, n me..alone in Disney...hehe...let's just say we were made known "The Tinks" lol Stephy u know....
-n today I found out I made cabinet for JSA! yay (Danielle too!)'s been an awesome summer...but as it comes to an end I realize that I'm a lil happy for school to start. (in a strange way)...n also so sad that's it's many friends are leaving, my sis is a senior, n im about to get my liscence hehe...whoever said that high school goes way too slowly was clearly mistaken! And they misled me greatly!...on the contrary, it's passing me by in the blink of an eye...
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