I am syndicated!

Dec 18, 2007 19:30

Courtesy of LJ-users Vdots and Nadia_s, I now have a syndicated account: http://syndicated.livejournal.com/avzel_blogspot/. If you are interested in getting notified of my future posts on the blog-spot, you can just add this account to your friends list. There is no need now to post here notifications of my blog-spot posts, so in all probability this is my last LJ-post (I will keep my current account for a while though to be able to see my friends page). Bye-bye LJ, it was good knowing you.

Update (thanks to Vdots): интересующиеся комментированием должны перейти по ссылке, которая есть в начале каждого syndicated поста, и оставлять комментарии там (а не тут, где они не будут НИКОМУ пересылаться).