анонс: молодежный обмен Summer University by AEGEE-Kyiv

Jul 07, 2009 09:20

25 july - 14 august 2009
молодежный обмен "Summer University" by AEGEE-Kyiv

в Киеве: с 01 по 05 августа 2009.

Программа мероприятия: www.aegee.kiev.ua/giveme5/Program.aspx

Welcome to Give me 5 Summer University

About Summer University

One - we proud the narrow streets,
Two - we see all the ancient bits, 
Three - we experience the nightlife, 
Four - we leave and then again arrive, 
Five - we bathe in the sea,

So, one, two, three weeeeeeeeeeeee!

So you decided to join the ranks of those, who are going to have an unforgettable 3 week adventure. Eager to learn more about it? J So, here comes: you are going to be divided into 5 teams and you’ll stay in those teams for the whole TSU. While travelling though the 5 Ukrainian cities you and your team are going to accomplish secret missions in all of them and the ones that completed them successfully will get a clue. The clue will help them to learn the secret sentence at the end of the travel. Of course, if you’ve lost your clue from one of the cities it’ll make it harder for you to guess the sentence. And for sure there’ll be only one winner, so hard core competition spirit will be involved J But, as you can guess, while doing all that, we are also going to do a lot of sight-seeing, playing national Ukrainian drinking games, trying the local food, swimming, checking out the clubs and dance till we drop. No moaning, a face without a smile or phrases like “I don’t drink/dance/swim/hike etc.” allowed!!! J Let’s go crazy for 3 weeks in one of the most beautiful and unique countries in Europe - Ukraine. Ready for this challenge? Apply!!!!
  Activities: No time for the boredom will be left!

We will travel from West to East, from East to South!
From small to big, from big to even bigger!
From river to sea! From forest to mountains!
Daily excursions, nightly parties!
Travelling and gaming! 
Swimming and dancing!
Cooking and drinking!
And all these will be in Ukrainian style!! You will feel it! You will like it!

молодежные обмены, aegee

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