"After regulators shuttered Silicon Valley Bank and seized its deposits Friday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday that she has been working “to address the situation in a timely way,” but that a major government bailout is not on the table.
“Let me be clear that during the financial crisis, there were investors and owners of systemic large banks that were bailed out, and the reforms that have been put in place means that we’re not going to do that again,” Yellen told CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “But we are concerned about depositors and are
( ... )
И поделом. Ещё не хватало хипстерские банки, набитые баблом всяких крипто-"бабломоек" - санировать баблом налогоплательщиков. +1 К слову, гос-гарантия по депозитам "юриков" до 250к - это щедро. +1, in Germany only 100k
"несколько американских финансовых гос. органов объявили совместно, что всем вкладчикам будет дан доступ к полной сумме их вкладов уже в понедельник.' Так что криптобабломойки получат своё бабло назад.
Уже, вроде, предварительно объявили:
"Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says U.S. government won’t bail out Silicon Valley Bank"
"After regulators shuttered Silicon Valley Bank and seized its deposits Friday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday that she has been working “to address the situation in a timely way,” but that a major government bailout is not on the table.
“Let me be clear that during the financial crisis, there were investors and owners of systemic large banks that were bailed out, and the reforms that have been put in place means that we’re not going to do that again,” Yellen told CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “But we are concerned about depositors and are ( ... )
К слову, гос-гарантия по депозитам "юриков" до 250к - это щедро.
+1, in Germany only 100k
150к, вроде. Но лишъ на депозиты физлиц
yes, it is, but only 100k, unfortunately
В US было 100К до 2008. На фоне финансового кризиса срочно подняли, чтоб народ успокоить.
like! :)
Так что криптобабломойки получат своё бабло назад.
PS. А вы - американский налогоплательщик?
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