My Dear Friends,
You've a right to be put-off. It's been too long. Today, I just got a back-channel message from
brightfeather wondering whether I was all right, and how Jane was, and I realized that I must post something short -- at least short for me.
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You are not the only one who has been away for too long - I hardly use LJ much any more, and only check up on one or two people when I do; those who really touched me. You, of course, are one of the foremost and I am so glad to see your post and that things are well (if busy) and happy with you.
Please give my love to Jane and Les and don't worry about updating. You must do what is best for you and your family and I really hope that the therapeutic fanfic is helping you. I shall love to read it when you are done, but first and foremost, look after yourself.
Much love, Kate
PS - I have a third grandchild expected on April 4th, in the States. Yay, go grandparents! I have my ticket booked for April 6th to journey out and meet him or her. And my beautiful grandson, Luke, takes up most of my time these days as he lives just around the corner and I get to look after him every Monday. You, perhaps of all people, will know how much that means to me. So I am a lucky person these days. Busy and worn out, but so happy too. I wish you well my friend.
Indeed, "Yay, go grandparents!" You are SO lucky to have one just around the corner. While we had an almost-weeklong visit in early January, that these are likely to happen, at most, two or three times a year, leads me to truly understand how lucky you are. Grandkids make the best "busy & worn out", b/c of the "happy, too."
And much love back to you & yours as well, dear Kate!
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