So, in true skiving fashion, I decided to organise my desk. Normally, such a task is too daunting and overall scary to take on, but I was looking for a black Sharpie. How the FRICK could I possibly not have a black Sharpie, considering the loads of office supplies that I've purchased throughout my adult life.
In my quest for a solitary marker, I went through 'THE BOX.' For those of you who don't have 'the box,' it's a mystical receptacle that holds an unknown assortment of miscellaneous junk. I call it junk because, to anyone else, that's what it is, but to the person who owns it, it's treasure that should be kept for an interminable amount of time.
Anyway, my 'box' was full of office supplies that I've accumulated over the past 7 years. Holy bloody hell, I have a lot of office supplies. I went through the whole damned box, item by item, layer by layer. This is what I turned up:
221 ball point pens
54 highlighters
46 Sharpies (only one black
86 pencils
32 gel pens
184 coloured pencils
4 pairs of scissors
200+ paperclips
1000+ coloured dot labels
1000+ circular sticker things for three ring binders to keep the pages from tearing out (no idea what they're actually called)
300+ index cards
27 notebooks
3 boxes of envelopes
4 39¢ stamps (to put this in perspective, I think they're up to about 50¢ or so now)
3 whiteout mouses
3 bottles of whiteout
4 calculators
3 protractors (why the hell do I own protractors?)
6 rulers
84 coin rolls
1000+ rubber bands
I think I need help. I'm addicted to office supplies. I didn't even bother going through the second 'box.'