Death sucks

Jul 03, 2003 00:29

Sheesh. An eventful couple of days.

A friend of ours died of a stroke the other day. He was 43. His girlfriend owns a small bar a couple of blocks away from the us, and there is going to be a wake there tomorrow night. So of course we're going to go. But I'm afraid there is going to be a fight. With me in it. See, Bob told me a story today. It seems his sister, who Carl could not stand, wants EVERYTHING of his. EVERYTHING. Since there is no common law marriage thing here in Florida,and Carl had no will, poor Michelle really doesn't have a leg to stand on, his sister really could get everything. Carl's sister's husband died a couple of years ago, so she gave Carl all her husband's clothes. Now she even wants those back! AND this is the best thing of all...she wants MICHELLE to pay for the cremation! What a bitch! I don't know her, and I just want to knock her on her ass. I know it's none of my business, but Michelle doesn't deserve this, and the wake is certainly NOT the place for a fight, lol, but with my hair trigger temper...oh boy. She's even going to bring a big jar for people to put money in, but damned if ANYONE is going to put a red cent in that jar. We're going to donate to MICHELLE, and screw Sister Dearest. GRRRR. That really got me wound up.

My grandma had heart surgery the other day...but it really didn't do much good. She's going home in a couple of days...basically going home to die. Hospice will be there. She doesn't want any more treatment, and there is no way she could have another surgery, it will kill her. My sister said she's scared, but she's comfortable with her decision. My mom is flying out in a few days. She wants to join my Grandpa...after she goes, no more Grandparents. :( I love my Grandma, but...she's different. Defintely a Type A. VERY high maintenance. Difficult. Am I a horrible person for thinking these things when she's on her deathbed?? I love her and certainly wish her no ill will, but that's how she is. Grandpa was the total opposite, he just rocked. I'm still sad, though.

Talked to my pops today...he has a melanoma (that fucking C word!) near his groin area, so they cut that out, and had to dig a little deeper too. Found a couple on his arm too. HOPEFULLY that did the trick. He goes back on the 14th to get the stitches out, and to find out what the deal is. I know I CANNOT deal losing him. Geez, what else can happen??!

Well, the day after the Marlins whooped da shit out of the Braves 20-1,(muahahahahaha) we lost in 13 innings 2-1. Friggin Almanza blew it yet again. Dontrelle did another brilliant job, so it was definitely not his fault we lost. I smell an All-Star appearance...! Almanza must be subject to great bodily harm! And the team is NOT trading Mike Lowell (yay!) BUT...they might trade my boy Castillo for some bullpen help. *Sob* I love Luis...trades suck. :P :(

Sirgay Fedorov will more than likely NOT be back for the Dead Things next season, ROYHOOOOOO!!!! I hate that smarmy putz. GO East, pervert! Far East...back to Russkie! What I'm wondering...why isn't my Alex signed yet?????

Guess that's it for now.
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