(no subject)

Jan 22, 2007 20:22

Life has been stressful for me these past few weeks. Some bad things happened to me, and some good. I feel bad to say this, but the ending of a life made my heart lighten. I don't think it was the loss of this life, but the knowledge that the hurt should be ending with the loss of that life. I have recieved condolences from only a couple of people, and to those I say....thanks. Sometimes it is hard to go through life having gained the knowledge that I have, good and bad. Some of that experience one should never have had to go through....no examples. This post may seem emo, it may seem a little whiney...and it is. Not many people have to joy of coming home to a clean house with dinner on the table and the family already tearing through the turkey and dressing that was carefully prepared by your mother and I am one of those people. Recent events have brought upon me the feeling of change. Change, never a good thing, nor a bad. But sometimes change is the right thing, to tear you out of a realm where waking up is hell, where coming to school is pointless, where living is meaningless. More people have to go through this than ever before. Imagine a life in olden times when everyone had this problem. A time of comfort and protection. But, eh, that went away with the birth of democracy. Taxes, what a wonder they are. They coincide with bills. I guess there are bills because companies, such as the water and power companies, are scared of the government laundering their cash. Otherwise, we could just compile every fee needed for the upkeep and managment of the pipes and lines into one bill added to the tax taken away from a peon's paycheck every week or couple of weeks. And for the self employed, why not just set a seperate tax for them, because they are special. Like little kids in a playpin, not a care in the world aside from the shiney red ball with it mesmerizing spin. The self-employed people should have pay few taxes for taking the job of messing with the weekly or biweekly taxes from an honest paycheck and giving it to an accountant. Accountants, they sicken me. Accountants are possibly the lowest scum on the earth, right next to emo kids and the creator of the Real Life. This is about the point in most sad, whiney, and long livejournal posts where the composer would throw in a few good "god damnit"'s, "fuck you"'s, and "I hate life, please kill me or I will do it myself"'s. No. That is stupid, everyone has the right to vent, through poetry, however crappy it may be, through music, or through random posts and blogs about "going against the man" or the "machine" or whatever those fags call it. My point is this, I am not going to throw out any "fuck you"'s or "god damnit"'s, just some happy thoughts that have yet to be thought..thunk......thunken......whatever. While I am flowing on happy thoughts, I would like to thank you, in the nice outfits and clothes, the funny smelling smells, as well as the generous family of a close friend, and the kindness of one who might not even realize it. These past few weeks have been harsh and even walking into this shit of an existance and seeing a smiling face looking at me here, a kind gesture coming my way there, and the open ears of a friend across the way....whether or you believe it or not, has kept me sane during the pain. About now is when one would usually break down, write a love story or account of something that he/she wished happened to themself rather than to someone more or less deserving. Also to those who take the time to read my long posts, and really understand what I am trying to say...I give kudo's. You read through this post looking for some usefull social information, blackmail, or knowledge, congratulations, you might have some...but majority bets you won't find anyting of worth. To you imbeciles I will give, although I probably shoudln't, a nice, long-awaited "fuck you," "piss yourself," "back the fuck off," and the whole hearted "suck my banana hammock." With nothing more to say, now is where I type out a bunch of bullshit to keep some of you bastards from just skipping to the last sentence, completely missing the point, and making some bullshit comment on something you didn't care enough to read all the way through and take the time to understand what the fuck you are commenting on. Through this miserable journey, I have finally arrived at the end of my post. Whoa, that was a breathful, eh. To make everyone who actually read this post feel better about living, and to prevent any lawsuits for god-knows-what, I will wrap up this tearfest with this simple, life altering statement....Neunundneunzig Luft Ballons! Farewell and goodnight.
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