Symposium and Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in Jerusalem, Israel

Apr 21, 2012 21:23

Armenian Studies Program Genocide Prevention Program

Symposium and Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

Bible Reading
Ezekiel 37:1-14 -- Mr. Yoav Loeff (Armenian) and Ms Naira Galestyan (Hebrew)
University Representative
Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem Representative
H.E. Mr. Tsolag Momjian (Consul of the Republic of Armenia)
"Genocide, Minorities and Memories"
Dr. Mordechai Zaken
Head of Minority Affairs Desk at the Ministry of Public Security
"The Strange History of a Carpet"
H.E. Mr. Tsolag Momjian
Report on the Knesset Educational Committee Hearing on Armenian Genocide Recognition
Dr Yael Stein and Ms Tamar Pileggi
Jerusalem Centre for Genocide Prevention
"Combating Genocide: What we do Today to Prevent It"
Combat Genocide Association
Armenian Music and Poetry.
April 22nd, 2012 at 6.30 pm,
Mt. Scopus Campus, Hebrew University, Hum Room no. 6837
This invitation serves as a permit (with the ID)
to enter the campus

Армяне, Израиль, Геноцид

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