Feb 05, 2004 18:49
wow...its really depressing when you find a college of your dreams. I have good enough grades, i am positive i would have enough points on the SAT i am positive of that, i am pretty sure I would be able to get in. it is in New York, which is where I have always wanted to live, and is specializes in all the things that I am interested in. It is a little expensive, but I know I could work that out, but no, I will not be attending that college. My father won't let me. He wants me to stay in Richmond! Why can't they just let me go, I want to have a life of my own, and start somewhere where I can start over somewhere where I have everything I could ever want!! Grr I wish I was able to make my own decisions, but I can't do that because I depend on my father for financial support. Oh well, once again, the chance of me having a life i will enjoy to the fullest goes down the drain, hopefully another chance will come along that my father will agree with! Well I am off to do some homework!