May 30, 2005 23:59
What size is your bed?: like, king yeah.
Is your floor carpeted?: hardwood, so no.
If so, what color is it?: -
Do you have posters on your walls? beastie boys poster that ive had forever. and chemical brothers. thats it
Do you keep your room clean, or is there junk all over the floor?: clean, besides i corner i throw a bunch of clothes
Are you allowed to eat in your room?: yeah
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: twice
Do you take a shower daily?: yes
Do you wear perfume/cologne?: depends
Do you wear deodorant?: yeah
Do you go outside often?: yes
Is your lawn green or brown?: green.
Do you have a patio in the back?: yeah
Do you have a one or two (or more) car garage?: yep
How many trees are in your yard?: like 2 but trees from my neighbors yards grow at an angle into my yard. kinda tight huh
Are you male or female?: male.
Are you sure?: uhh yeah
Do you have any piercings?: fuck piercings
Are you single or married?: single
Do you like your name?: sure.
Do you like lotion? Chapstick?: nah
Do you shave your legs?: no
[ MISC. ]
Is the sky really blue, or is it white with blue clouds?: who knows
Did that last question confuse you?: no.
Do you eat chocolate often?: nah
Do you have a job?: no
Do you like it?: dont have one
Why or why not?: who cares
Is your computer slow?: ehh sort of
Have you ever wondered why there is bark on trees?: because it protects the stuff inside of trees. duh
When you kick a tree, does it bruise the tree?: mentally it does.
Why do cats cover their poop and such?: instincts
What do you hear right now?: some tunes on my ipod
What do you smell right now?: dentyne ice gum
Are you alone in the room?: yeah
Are you at home?: yeah