Jan 02, 2022 17:39
I can't bring myself to list the results of year 2021.
I mean - we are fine, in good health, and so are our extended families.
getting US visas for them though, is way more complicated, which sucks.
we now have a bunny
kids are going to school, which is so much better. I am so not a homeschooling parent, and I've known it all my life, before I was even thinking of being a parent.
D. is a highschooler. Mind boggles.
G. is a second grader. Mind boggles some more, since in my mind he is a baby
I know, I know,
I am deadly tired, and always feel that I am failing at parenting and life in general.
and in writing, too.
though I wrote some fanfiction, and I keep writing, and I have ideas...
so... a bunny!
also, please tell me what to write about in January (see the previous post)
I did watched some tv, so I need to do a round up of it