It is time to make wishes and to seriously expect them to come true. Sometimes they actually do. So, I've made my list. I posted here those concerned AtS.
1)I want ME to know as soon as possible how many seasons there are going to be.
2)I want Cordelia to wake up - at least for couple of episodes. I am really curious about her reaction - on everything.
3)I want Connor and mind-wipe resolution. But then, everybody wants it.
4)I want Wes, Gunn and Fred to have their memories, feelings, selves back. I don't know what else I would want for them, so I will just follow the story. I don't like Wes/Fred as it is now (who does?), but if they are properly screwed by the mind-wipe revelation and whatever else is in store for them, I might be willing to give them a chance.
5)Lorne. I totally forgot about him. Which means- what's his point of being there?
6)More naked Lindsay?
7)Some kind of Eve character development. I began to like her, but she needs more defined personality, some kind of story and depth.
8)The competition "Who is the bestest soulful vampire in the world?" is quite ridiculous - both in fandom and on-screen. On screen, at least, it is fun to watch. Anyway, they shouldn't drag it on. I don't want to put down one in order to put up another. Both Spike and Angel should learn, and change, and grow. Honestly, I'd like them both to become human eventually. Because in my mind, it means to be able to grow up. I liked the theory that shanshu is the natural order of things, not the super special reward. On the other hand, I wouldn't be terribly disappointed if they don't get it.
9)Buffy's visit. Small part of me wants to see her. Just because. I like her, I miss her, I am curious to know what is she doing now But no, I don't want the love triangle plot. I would loathe "Buffy the Valuable Prize' scenario as well as "Buffy the Bachelorette". I also don't want to let go of Spike/Buffy possibility (in future, off-screen). Don't tell me - I know, I am pathetic.
10)What do I want for Angel? All the secrets out. I like the guy very much, but you know: happy Angel means badness; unhappy Angel means an interesting story. I do wish him to find hope and meaning, and may be some women (who are not Buffy), or if he wants, men. By the way, I'd like the episode IWRY to have some consequences in the present, too. Otherwise, what was the point?
11)Did I miss anyone? ;) Ah, yes, Spike. I want him out of AtS. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy seeing him on the show, I think he is written in character, I will enjoy watching him, but it is not his series, and I don't want him to settle in LA for good. In fact, I already created his exit scene in my mind. He is at the airport, looking at the departure schedule. There is one flight to London, also there are many others - somewhere else. And we have no clear indication where Spike is going - so we could make our own stories.