Doctor Who Friending Meme of AWESOME

Jun 19, 2011 19:01


If you're already reading this, chances are you're already on my f-list and we share much love and cookies and all things nice. Or something. But I figured, I've been in and out of livejournal and fandom for a while now, and I've lost touch with quite a few people. You know how it goes, life moves on, people part ways and go on to do their own thing. I'm trying to settle back into the wonder that is livejournal and every time I do I am reminded of one thing - the thing that brought me here in the first place, the reason why I can never truly leave: Doctor Who. And so I figured, "Hey, I could always do with more friends, and I'm sure a lot of folk out there could too." So I thought I would make this awesome fun friending meme because, well, friends are great :D

Please leave a comment even if you're already my friend! You may make more friends yet (^_^) and besides, perhaps there are some Who things that I don't know about you ;)

About You
Level of Craziness on a scale of 1-10:
Random thing about you:
Things you fill your journal with:
Anything else?

About Doctor Who
How obsessed are you with Doctor Who?
If the Doctor (of your choice) turned up on your doorstep and offered you one trip, anywhere, where would you go and why?
What's the most noteworthy Who-related thing you've ever done? If there isn't one, make one up :D
Do you contribute to fandom at all? Show off some of your stuff!
Why are you doing this meme?
What's the story about how you came to love this crazy awesome show?


For Fun
When not on LJ, how else do you spend your time?
Other TV shows you like:
Tell us a secret:
You suddenly inherit several million pounds/dollars/etc. The first thing you do with the money is...
Finally, what is your goal at the moment? (fandom or real life, or whatever)

I think that's about it. If you want to fill this out just copypasta from the textarea below into a comment. And hopefully you and I will meet some fantabulous friends along the way :D

About You
Level of Craziness on a scale of 1-10:
Random thing about you:
Things you fill your journal with:
Anything else?

About Doctor Who
How obsessed are you with Doctor Who?
If the Doctor (of your choice) turned up on your doorstep and offered you one trip, anywhere, where would you go and why?
What's the most noteworthy Who-related thing you've ever done? If there isn't one, make one up :D
Do you contribute to fandom at all? Show off some of your stuff!
Why are you doing this meme?
What's the story about how you came to love this crazy awesome show?


For Fun
When not on LJ, how else do you spend your time?
Other TV shows you like:
Tell us a secret:
You suddenly inherit several million pounds/dollars/etc. The first thing you do with the money is...
Finally, what is your goal at the moment? (fandom or real life, or whatever)

misc | today i am awesome, #meme, misc | friends and relatives

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