Happy New Year!

Jan 02, 2009 00:16

First, I want to thank you all, every one of you who's read and reviewed my fics on this journal in this past year; I may not always respond but I appreciate every single one. Special thanks and big hugs to those of you who are regular readers/reviewers- avidbeader, sweet_iolanthe, madderbrad, ladybluestar, francis_hhr, leonhart_17, among others- you know who you are. You're the ones who keep me writing even when RL gets in the way and my muses go AWOL.

And now, a very short little ficlet, written for New Year's.

A Wish For the Future

Hermione smiled up at Harry as they entered their flat. “It was a fun party, wasn’t it, Harry?”

“Yeah, it was,” Harry smiled. “Even if George and Ron had a little too much fun,” he added with a short laugh. (Ron had gotten quite drunk and had spent the evening almost draped over Luna trying to make her laugh as often as he was giggling in his inebriated state. It had been an amusing sight, to say the least.)

Hermione laughed. “Just a little too much,” she agreed.

Harry tightened his arm around her almost imperceptibly as she wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder as they simply stood there for a moment, not moving, just quietly savoring being together.

She stretched up to brush her lips against his. “Happy New Year, Harry,” she said softly.
She only intended for it to be a brief kiss but he lowered his head to hers, his fingers sliding into her hair, and their second kiss was almost explosive in its passion. His tongue plunged into the familiar depths of her mouth, flicking against her tongue, tasting her, savoring her, as she arched against him, making a soft sound-half moan, half gasp-deep in her throat that was swallowed by his mouth along with her breath. He kissed her and kissed her and kissed her, until their bodies were straining against each other, until they finally had to break apart for air, but even then, they didn’t part much.

Harry rested his forehead against Hermione’s, feeling her rapid breaths mingling with his equally quickened breath, and the thought that had been floating through his mind for the past hour and more slowly solidified in his mind.

“Marry me,” he found himself whispering, almost before he’d consciously realized what he was going to say.

She drew back to stare at him, her eyes wide. “Oh, Harry…” she breathed and then she paused, something occurring to her. “Are you sure this isn’t the alcohol talking?”

“No!” he burst out immediately. “I’m sure it’s not that. It’s just…” he hesitated, his eyes meeting hers soberly, before he continued, “earlier, when we were just talking about this year, I was thinking about it and thinking about what I wanted to happen in this next year, thinking about the future, and I realized… I realized that all I know for sure is that I want you. I want you in my life, want to see your face every morning for the rest of my life. I want you, Hermione. I- I love you and I always will love you.” He managed a wobbly sort of smile. “So will you, Hermione? Marry me?”

Hermione threw her arms around his neck. “Oh Harry! Yes, yes, yes. Of course I will.”

His arms closed around her tightly as he buried his face in her hair. “You will? Really?”

Hermione laughed softly, though it was muffled by his shirt. “As if I could say no.”

“Thank Merlin for that,” he said fervently.

She drew back just enough to meet his eyes, letting him see all her love and all her happiness in her eyes. “I love you,” she said simply.

His eyes and his expression softened, even as his lips curved. “I know.”

And her soft laugh was cut off by his lips as he kissed her with almost stunning tenderness, at first, and then deeper, as she let her hands slide into his hair, parting her lips further.

It was a kiss that captured her breath and her heart, her very soul, with its love and its passion-the first kiss of the rest of their lives.

Hermione felt herself melting against him and her last coherent thought was that this new year was off to a great start…


Happy 2009, everyone! I hope you all had very happy holidays and that 2009 is a wonderful year filled with Harmony!

ficlet, fluff

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