Finally done!

May 06, 2008 18:24

I've finally finished 'Just One Night'- and apologies for how long it's been. But, in an attempt to make up for it, this is a purely fluffy (and smutty) chapter.

Rated NC-17, of course.
So, without further ado, the second part of the third and last chapter of 'Just One Night'. Enjoy!

Part 3a

Just One Night
Part 3 (2/2)

**From the first half of this chapter.

**Slowly, he bent his head and kissed her, gently at first, but she made a soft sound in the back of her throat, her arms tightening around him, and she deepened the kiss, her lips parting for him-and he was lost. He hadn’t wanted her for so long, hadn’t been dreaming of her every night for the past week and half, to be able to resist her-not when she was warm and soft in his arms, not when he could feel the press of her breasts against his chest, could taste her… Not that he really wanted to resist her, either.

So he tightened his arms around her until she was pressed full-length against him, kissing her the way he’d wanted to for days now, his tongue exploring her mouth, stroking it, and she responded, her tongue engaging his in a half-playful duel. The touch of her tongue to his sent heat sizzling through his body, as the blood rushed out of his head to pool heavily in his groin.

Oh, he remembered the taste of her, the scent of her, the feel of her against him…** Kissing her felt like coming home-and sent desire spiraling up inside him.

Hermione pressed herself against him, deliberately and shamelessly rubbing herself against the evidence of his arousal, her arms sliding around his neck as she kissed him, open-mouthed and passionate, with all the pent-up desire she’d felt for days.

Yes, yes, yes, oh yes... The words clamored in her head in a mindless mantra of love and happiness and desire. Oh, she wanted him, wanted him, wanted him… She kissed him and held him as if she’d never let him go again-she never wanted to let him go again. Now, especially, she knew what it was like without him and she never wanted to repeat the experience.

The kiss only ended when oxygen became an issue but his lips only left hers to wander, trailing soft kisses over her face, learning her features with his lips and she could only close her eyes and glory in the tenderness she could feel in his touch. “I’ve been wanting to do this all week,” he murmured against her skin, pausing between each word to brush his lips against her chin, her cheek, her ear, her nose, the tip of her eyebrow, random places she’d never realized could be so sensitive, never realized could lead to so much pleasure tingling through her entire body.

She felt her lips curve slightly. “You should have,” she murmured, just before she tangled her fingers in his hair and tugged his lips back to hers so she could kiss him this time, her tongue exploring his mouth, the ridge of his teeth, stroking against his tongue in a way that sent delicious shivers zinging through her body.

He finally tore his lips from hers with a strangled groan, drawing back just enough to stare at her and she felt a blush scorch her cheeks just from the way he was looking at her. He looked at her the way she’d dreamed of having a boy-no, of having Harry-look at her, as if she was the most beautiful girl in the world, as if he could happily look at her forever.

His eyes were dark and hooded with desire-he wanted her-and the look sent a thrill of fresh desire through her.

On a sudden, bold impulse, she moved one hand, sliding it down his chest and his stomach in a long caress, loving the shiver that went through his body in response and the way his eyes darkened, before she cupped the bulge in his trousers.

His hips jerked. “Hermione!” His voice sounded half-strangled.

And she barely had a chance to smile slowly, smugly, before he flattened himself against her, his lips coming down on hers as he kissed her again.

His hands also wandered over her back and down to cup her butt and bring her arching against him. She gasped against his mouth, heat and arousal swirling up inside her, clouding her mind, making her feel as if her knees were melting.

She pressed herself against him, instinctively lifting one leg to curve around his in an attempt to get even closer to him. More, more, more-she wanted more, wanted to get closer… She could not get close enough to him, felt as if she could happily crawl inside him and still not be close enough.

He tugged the hem of her shirt out of her trousers and flattened his hands on the bare skin of her back and she shivered. Oh yes, she remembered this, remembered the hot pleasure of his touch… His hands caressed her back, the curve of her waist.

But it wasn’t enough, could never be enough and she finally ended the kiss just so she could hastily pull her shirt off over her head leaving her upper body bared to his avid gaze.

He caught his breath sharply, staring at her, before he lifted his hands to cup her breasts through her bra. His touch seemed to scorch her skin through her bra and her head fell back on a gasp, closing her eyes. His fingertips lightly grazed the upper curves of her breasts, his hands cupped, caressed, stroked. And then she felt her bra tighten over her sensitized nipples as he undid the clasp and then fall away and she let her bra fall heedlessly to the floor.

She was expecting him to continue his caresses but instead he simply paused and looked at her. Oh, how he looked at her! A slight quiver of reaction passed through her, pooling in liquid heat in the core of her body.

He looked at her as if he could look at her forever, as if she was the most beautiful girl in the world; he looked at her the way every girl dreamed of being looked at, with admiration bordering on awe and a healthy dose of pure lust.

He looked at her without moving to touch her for what felt like an hour, although it was probably barely a minute, but even that was too long for her. She wanted his touch with a sort of greedy impatience she’d never felt before, never really thought she was capable of before.

So she flattened herself against him, her arms going around his neck to tug his head down so she could kiss him, open-mouthed, holding nothing back. He made a small sound, half-laugh, half-groan, which was swallowed by her mouth, as his arms wrapped around her, his hands flattening on her skin, wandering over every inch of her bare skin in greedy caresses.

She arched against him, stifling a moan at the feel of her bare skin and sensitized nipples against the cloth of his t-shirt. There was something amazingly, incredibly erotic about her bare skin against his clothes-although she wondered fuzzily if she wouldn’t find everything erotic, given how aroused she was.

Her own hands were busily occupied in tugging his shirt up so she could touch his skin, hot and smooth to the touch, her hands caressing, rediscovering every inch of his back and his chest which she could reach.

He got her unspoken message and hastily tugged off his shirt as she moved to undo the fastenings of his trousers.

“God, Hermione,” he choked out and she felt herself blush but didn’t stop in pushing down his trousers and his boxers, freeing his erection so she could see him.

God… She paused for a fleeting second to stare at him as he hastily shoved his boxers down the rest of the way, stepping out of them. He was so… so large… she thought inanely but then forgot everything else in the one other thought that sent a thrill of potent pleasure through her: this was because of her, because he wanted her so much…

Heat and arousal and need were raging through her like anarchy, obviating any self-consciousness or shyness she might otherwise have felt as she hastily pushed off her trousers and her knickers until she was completely naked.

Once she was done, she looked up at him and the look in his eyes-the frankly lustful way he stared at her-sent a shiver of liquid heat coursing through her body. God, she didn’t know how he could make her burn with wanting him with just a look but he could, he did, until she thought she’d literally die if he didn’t touch her.

She flattened herself full-length against him, moaning at the feel of his erection against her, as she kissed him, lifting one leg to curl around his to bring herself closer to him.

And she was the one to half-tug, half-push him over to her bed until they both fell onto it.
She wanted to see, touch, taste, caress every inch of him. She wanted to know what he liked, what made him tremble and what made him burn. She wanted to know him…

And so, characteristically, she set out to learn.

At another time, when she was capable of thought, she might have been surprised at how easy it was to be so bold, so open and so honest about what she wanted-but then, no, it wasn’t surprising. She didn’t think it-could not think-but she felt it, somehow. This was Harry, after all, and if she could not be open and honest with him, she could never be so uninhibited with anyone. It wasn’t that she wanted him-although Merlin knew she did-it wasn’t even that she loved him-although she did. It was that she trusted him, completely and unwaveringly, with a trust that did not allow for any shyness.

She wanted to do and feel everything with him-and she knew she could. If not at that moment, if not that night, then later. Because this was Harry-and that, more than anything else, made this right, the most right thing ever.

She caressed his chest, pausing at his flat, male nipples, tweaked them gently with her fingers; he let out his breath in a hiss, his head falling back. She lowered her lips to his skin, kissing her way down his throat and his chest, scattering small, butterfly kisses across the breadth of his chest before she paused, touching her tongue experimentally to his nipples. He moaned so she did it again, smiling slightly against his skin, his soft moans sending a fresh wave of heat shivering through her to pool between her legs.

Her hands moved further down, skating over the taut muscles of his chest and stomach, loving the feel of him, the heat of him, the reactions of him as he lay there, seemingly passively, except for the tension investing every inch of his frame and the burning look in his eyes as he watched her, his eyes hooded and dark. He wanted her, was aching for her, burning for her-just as she was for him. It was a heady, thrilling, euphoric knowledge that she could do this to him, to have him look at her as if she were a siren, a goddess, the sexiest woman in the world-and at that moment, she felt that way too. She felt as if she were sexy and sensual and alluring and all those things she’d never really believed she could be, plain bookworm that she was.

Her hands strayed further down to caress his thighs and he cried out and then grabbed her wrist before she could touch his erection.

“No more, please,” he rasped. “I’ll die.”

She wanted to smile but before she could, he was reaching for her, kissing her hard and forcefully, at first, and then more gently. She fell back onto her pillow as he shifted above her, his hand cupping her cheek lightly and then sliding down her neck and her throat and lower, lower, in a long caress.

His lips left hers only to leave a trail of heated, open-mouthed kisses down along the line of her jaw and her neck.

“Oh. Oh, Harry,” she gasped, not even aware of saying his name.

His lips closed on her nipple and she nearly shrieked at the sensation, her mind emptying of everything except for the magic of his touch, of his kiss, of his lips and hands on her… God, had she thought she remembered what it felt like to have him touch her like this? The memory was just a pale shadow to the reality of it.

She felt as if she was drowning, sinking into a sensuous haze, his lips and hands all that anchored her to the world.

He lightly grazed her taut nipple with his teeth and she cried out, her back arching, her hands flying to tangle in his hair, holding him in place.

“Do you like that?” he mumbled indistinctly against her skin.

Her answer was to tighten her fingers in his hair, pushing herself against him, offering herself to him.

He moved on to do the same to her other nipple and she cried out again, pleasure so intense it was almost pain lancing through her.

His lips left off their ministrations to her breast and she knew a fleeting second of disappointment but then she felt him drop a kiss on her stomach, his hands stroking, exploring the curve of her hips and her thighs.

His lips moved lower, scattering kisses over her stomach, pausing as his tongue touched her belly button-God! She’d never known her belly button could be so sensitive, could be such an erogenous part of her body but she’d never forget it again.

Pure fire streaked through her body from every place his hands and his lips touched and she was vaguely aware of hearing broken little moans and sobbing breaths and then belatedly realized they were coming from her.

One hand slipped down to cup the center of her body where all sensation seemed to be focused-and she forgot how to breathe. He hadn’t touched her there before and she was shocked at the depth of her reaction.

Slowly, a little tentatively, he stroked one finger up the core of her, gently touching her wet, swollen flesh-she cried out at the sensation, pushing herself into his hand in a mindless, desperate search for more. It was too little-and paradoxically, too much at the same time, too much sensation, too much pleasure, until she thought she might go mad.

His hand left her and she almost sobbed with the loss but then-oh my God! That wasn’t-it was-his lips on her body. He dropped a light kiss at the juncture of her thighs and then moved lower, leaving soft, delicate, uncertain little kisses down, down, the hot, wet center of her.

She opened her mouth on a shriek that strangled in her throat on a gasp instead as her body seemed to leap to a new plateau of intense sensation. Tension, hot and burning, was building up inside her, pulsing through her veins.

Oh God!

He licked her. He touched his tongue to her tentatively, tasting her, and then more by luck than knowledge, his tongue found a small nub of flesh-

And she died. The tension that had been building exploded in a white-hot burst of sensation, her mind scattering, shattering, a scream ripping its way from her throat.

Slowly, very slowly-it may have been years for all she was aware of it-Hermione became aware of her surroundings, her bed underneath her and, most importantly, Harry. Harry, who had just sent her to what felt like another plane of existence, who had given her ecstasy she hadn’t even imagined (she’d heard and read about it, the pleasure that was to be found, but this-this had been beyond any pleasure)… She felt as limp as if every bone in her body had dissolved, her breath coming in gasps, tiny aftershocks of bliss trembling through her.

Harry was looking at her with a mixture of awe and arousal. “God, Hermione,” he rasped, “you looked so…” he trailed off, the heated look he gave her more eloquent than a ream of poetry could have been.

A fresh wave of heat coursed through her just from the look in his eyes.

“You never-um-you didn’t--” he swallowed and finished, “last time, did you?” It was more a statement than a question.

She felt herself blushing hotly-irrationally, given what they’d just done and what they were about to do-and that was all the answer he needed.

His lips parted on an apology-she could see it in his eyes, in his expression-but she tugged him back up so she could kiss him, cutting off his words.

She could taste herself on his lips and tongue, she realized fuzzily, and wondered why that was so oddly erotic.

She kissed him slowly, languorously, her body still humming with too much pleasure, satiated, to be passionate. She drew back slowly. “Don’t,” she whispered against his lips. “What happened that night was beautiful as it was.”

“Until what happened after,” he inserted, a shadow flickering across his face.

“We’re not going to think about that anymore,” she said firmly and softly.

“Still bossy, I see,” he murmured, a thread of tender teasing in his voice. His hands moved up to cup her cheeks with infinite gentleness and when he kissed her, they were both smiling.

The smiles faded as the kiss deepened, all amusement being replaced by arousal and need and passion.

He pressed her back into her pillow, shifting until he was lying almost fully above her, as the kiss became harder, hotter, more passionate.

She could feel the hardness of his erection nudging her thigh, the weight of him pressing her into the mattress, and she gloried in it, the wonderful familiarity of it. She remembered the heat of him, the feel of him above her, and she’d thought she would never experience it again but he was with her now, kissing her, his lips and tongue claiming her as his hands wandered, searing her with his touch.

She wrapped her arms around him, returning his kisses with abandon, arousal clouding her mind, pure need pulsing through her, the fire inside her burning hotter and brighter than ever.

Oh, she wanted him, wanted him, wanted him, wanted his kiss and his touch and his body-again. She would always want him…

He moved, shifting until his hardness nudged her wet, swollen flesh, just the tip of him entering her, and she broke their kiss on a cry. Every nerve ending in her body, every sense she had, her entire being, focused, centered on that one spot, shivers of delicious reaction radiating outwards.

And he froze. “Hermione,” he groaned and a shiver passed through her at the sound of his voice, how strained it was, the gravelly passion in his tone-passion for her, because of her… “I don’t want to hurt you again…”

Her heart melted, even as her body burned. God, she loved him! She loved him and she wanted him so much…

“You won’t,” she promised softly, kissing him again, as she shifted, arched, encouraging him… He would never hurt her… She kissed him, pressing herself against him, offering him her body, her mind, her heart, with a trust that didn’t admit any doubts.

He slipped further inside her and she tightened her muscles experimentally around him and he groaned, his hips surging forward uncontrollably until he was fully inside her.

She stifled her cry against his shoulder.

“God, Hermione, I’m so-did I hurt you?” he rasped.

She shook her head, no. He’d surprised her, the fullness of him stretched her, but it didn’t hurt.

She shifted beneath him, feeling her body softening, adjusting-oh, she remembered this too, remembered how it felt to have him inside her, completing her…

“Harry,” she breathed and his name was an endearment and an affirmation at the same time.

“Hermione,” he half-groaned, his lips finding hers so her name was half-swallowed by her mouth.
He kissed her with surprising tenderness, given the tension she could feel in his frame, kissed her as if asking permission to move, permission which she gave by arching against him, her legs wrapping around his.

And that was all he wanted.

He broke the kiss on a sharp gasp as his hips began to move, retreating and then thrusting forward again.

She met and matched his movements, her body arching up to meet him, her legs wrapping around his hips, her arms holding him to her.

And the rest of the world ceased to exist as he became the focus of her very existence at that moment, until all she knew was the sound of his gasps for breath against her ear, his hands on her breasts and her butt and her hips, the feel of him inside her…

And then she was burning, again, driven to the peak of physical sensation, an explosion of pure ecstasy flooding her senses, tingling through every inch of her body, until she gasped and cried out and clutched at him as if she’d never let him go again.

He followed her over the edge, stiffening and shuddering as he spilled himself inside of her.

Harry collapsed on top of her, her name wrenched from his lips on a groan.

Hermione closed her eyes, as she drifted, luxuriated in the aftermath of bliss. She felt as if every bone in her body had dissolved, as if her body had merged, melded with his. She could feel his heart, pounding in time with hers, it seemed, feel his breath against her ear. And she was completely happy, for once; lying in Harry’s arms as she was, where she’d dreamed of being, always conscious of his warmth and his weight above her. There was nowhere else in the world she would rather be…

It could have been minutes-or hours-days? Years?-she didn’t know and cared even less; she could have stayed like this forever, she thought fuzzily-before the comfortable silence was finally broken.

“Aren’t I too heavy for you?” he belatedly mumbled.

“No, it’s okay.”

But he shifted off of her anyway, rolling sideways and bringing her with him with his arm so he ended up lying on his back with her sprawled half on top of him.

She kept her eyes closed, feeling languid and sated, feeling his fingers straying over her back in an idle, feather-light caress.

“Mm,” she let out a soft sigh of contentment that was almost a purr and sensed, rather than saw, his slight smile.

“You’re not going to run away this time, are you?” he murmured half-teasingly.

She shifted, turning her head to rest her chin on his chest so she could meet his eyes and she felt a swell of warmth fill her chest at the way he was looking at her. It was a look that made his eyes beautifully soft and clear, a look of love. “I’ll never run away again,” she promised.

His lips curved. “Good.”

His fingers tangled in her hair, gently tugging until he could kiss her again, softly, lingeringly, a lazy sort of kiss with no passion or intensity, all their passion spent. Just a kiss, just his lips on hers, and all the more precious because it wasn’t about passion or lust or any physical need; it was only about emotions.

The kiss ended slowly, their lips separating rather reluctantly, as she let out a soft sigh against his lips. “Mm…”

“It occurs to me,” Harry said quietly, “that I should have just kissed you that morning when you were going on about how that night meant nothing.”

She opened eyes that were somewhat unfocused, blinking, before she smiled. “Maybe you should have.”

A comfortable, peaceful silence fell as Harry tightened his arms around her almost imperceptibly, keeping her imprisoned against him, not that she had any desire to move. Ever again, for that matter.

The silence was only broken when Harry yawned.

Hermione tilted her head up to look at him with a half-smile playing on her lips. “Tired of me already?” she quipped.

He laughed softly, briefly. “Never,” he promised and then added, “I haven’t slept that well this past week.”

“More nightmares?”

An odd expression she couldn’t quite read crossed his face before he moved one hand to touch her cheek. “Not really. It was more because I kept thinking about you.”

A smile trembled on her lips at this confession.

“It’s nice to see you find something funny about my broken heart,” he said drily, the twitch at the corner of his lips belying the sarcastic tinge to his words.

“Oh, Harry,” she half-sighed, half-laughed before she reached up to kiss him, pressing her lips against his, lingering, as her lips caressed his, until his fingers tangled in her hair, holding her in place.

She drew back slowly, gathering her scattered thoughts with an effort. “I was just thinking that we’ve both been such idiots. All that time, I was thinking about you too.”

His eyes and his expression softened as he moved his hand on her back in a caress. He didn’t respond in words but then again, he didn’t need to. The look in his eyes said it all.

She settled back against him, her head resting against his shoulder, one hand lying on his chest, as she closed her eyes, letting the steady rhythm of his heart beneath her hand lull her into drowsiness.

At the last moment, as his breathing became deep and regular, he mumbled, “I love you, Hermione.”

His words drifted through her consciousness wispily and, although at another time, if she’d been more alert, she may have reacted more strongly to hearing him say the words for the first time, at that moment, half-asleep and hovering between sleep and full consciousness as she was, she didn’t. It was as if, somehow, her subconscious had recognized the truth of the words long before her conscious mind, with its doubts and vulnerabilities, had.

Her thoughts were fuzzy with encroaching sleep but one thought escaped her lips on a drowsy murmur, “I know…”

Somehow, peripherally, she sensed his slight smile and then heard it in his answering murmur, “You would.”

She smiled to herself and stopped even a token resistance to her drowsiness.

And so they slept, peacefully, happy in each other’s arms and secure in the knowledge of their love and their forever…

~The End~

Happy now?
And now, to return to working on the next chapter of 'Truth About Love'-- that's coming along in brief fits and starts but is getting there. Slowly.

thwc, au, just one night, fluff, smut

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