
Dec 02, 2009 22:20

So, time for an update...

My father in law has pancreatic cancer. There isn't much of anything they can do so he's under the care of a hospice nurse. Fading quickly. Spouse is probably going out to see him next week.

My mom has inoperable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC), stage 3. Going to start radiation and chemo in the next couple of weeks. Small probability of her going into remission. We're going to visit for Christmas.

My grandmother turns 90 tomorrow. Her dementia and Alzheimers has advanced to the point she doesn't remember things from day to day. My aunt is going to take notes from all the kids and grandkids to read to her as her birthday present. She'll enjoy the attention, but won't remember what the notes say the next day.

Made an offer on a bigger house (townhouse really) - so that means we're trying to get our current place ready to sell. Boxes everywhere as we de-clutter.

And of course we're doing the normal - work, work travel, and activities for various trans organizations. Often so busy all the regular stuff of life seems to get shoved to the bottom of the priority list (replying to email, cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc...).

Anyhow, never a dull moment!
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