I've spent the weekend generally relaxing, sleeping, being slightly social and spending lots of quality time with my lovely girlfriend.
What's weird, however, is the fact that I can't seem to get enough sleep:
12 hours friday night, ~7 hours on Saturday night, a 2 hour nap sunday afternoon, ~6 hours Sunday night... I'm sure that some of this is catch-up as I've not been sleeping much in the last couple of weeks, but it seems like I can't get ahead of the game: I just seem to want more sleep and to hibernate.
Then about 15 minutes ago I realized what might be the cause of this: the heat. This is the first really warm weekend that we've had (and by warm, I mean PGH-warm: mid to high 80s and humidity) and I think my body is just coping with the transition to "hot-weather climate" and going through all the adjustments which that entails. Nothing major, just enough to suck the energy out of you.
In any event, the tomatoes, green peppers, and squash are in ground. Toe is still broken and of course I stubbed it (painfully) getting out of the shower yesterday afternoon...just when I was hoping to start up the exercise routine again. Oh well. It'll get better eventually.
Happy Memorial Day.