Questions and Reflections (just keeps on going)

Apr 12, 2007 15:02

How old do you feel?

Usually, I feel somewhere between four and 154, depending on how the day is going.  I have frequently been told that I am an old soul, and that I grew up too fast, but anyone who has seen me giggle knows that it is not entirely true.  Somedays I do feel very old, but I act so childish that I hide it quite well.

What's the nicest thing you've done this week? What'll be next?
Probably the nicest thing I have done all week has been spending time watching silly movies with Sarah and laughing and being fun!  When we are together we spend a lot of time laughing and generally enjoying life.  Together we go for long walks and laugh too much.  The next nice thing will be on Sunday when we host the Un-Birthday party.  There will be hats, and cupcakes, and all sorts of lovely things for our friends and we will have lots of fun.

What was your favorite toy when you were a child?
Absolutely without a doubt, my favourite toy was my stuffed panda.  Milton.  I have had Milton since October 20th 1986 (my second birthday) and I still have him to this day (and yes I still sleep with him).  Together we had many fabulous times of fascinating experiences.  He went on great explorations with me, some real, some fictional.  He is the only panda I know who has been sailing, cycling, flying, canoeing, camping, and climbed volcanoes.  We had such wonderful times together, and I still love him!

What would make you smile, right now? Now go share that smile!
Right now anything to do with a panda would make me smile.  Today I am wearing my panda t-shirt, and panda shoes, and playing with the flying super Panda that Apollo gave to me.  It is very hard to frown when there is a panda in your life.  I have already shared this smile with Sarah by turning to her and saying "I'm a Panda!"  She replied  "Garr!" and smiled :-)

What's the most important thing you own?
This is a pretty tough question.  It is a toss up between Milton and my violin.  Most of my posessions are able to be replaced (although some, such as my computer would be hard to replace exactly).  Miltion and violin however would be impossible to replace.  As we all now know, Milton is a panda who has been with me for nearly my entire life.  I would feel utterly lost without him.  My violin on the other hand is also important to me.  Plus, at nearly 500 years old, it is quite obviously irreplacable.  In the end however, I would probably choose Milton.  I could buy another violin, I could not buy another Milton.

What philanthropic organization would you start?
I would start a fair-trade farming coalition in third world countries.  Ideally, the money would go towards educating farmers in methods of sustainable agriculture.  It would also be used to start farms where all of the food produced could be stamped as fair-trade and organic.  This way the money would not be merely going into the organisation, but coming back to the farmers so that they can have a higher standard of living.  As a part of the education process (and the company itself) all farmers and their families would be provided with housing and access to clean water.  I believe that the best way to help the world is to help both the environment and its inhabitents.

What is one movie that has changed your life? How?
I'm not sure that any movie has changed my life.  I have seen a great many movies, and some of them have been truly inspirational.  I have seen movies that made me think, ones that make me smile, and movies that made me sob uncontrollably.  Some, such as Hotel Rwanda have inspired me to research the topic of the movie so that I can learn accurate information.  Yet no movie has truly changed my life, perhaps because they have less of an effect on me than books do.

Hmm, there are four more questions to answer, but I am sleepy.  Perhaps I shall nap and save them for another post!

Goodnight folks!
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