went up to Record Exchange today looking for Ed from Abdullah, who I guess doesn't work there anymore.
Anyway, did my usual shopping, and came across the brand new
anthology from the Smithereens in the used bin - 2 CDs, 5 bucks!
Not bad - I hadn't picked it up yet, because there is not an incredible amount of stuff on there that I don't already have.
Still, it's a nice collection, so I am glad to get a hold of it.
Was supposed to go see Alter Bridge tonight at the Odeon, but think I am just going to stay in - better half doesn't seem to be in the mood to go anywhere. We'll see - We still have a TON of Nip/Tuck episodes to catch up on.
Allegedly will be getting bathtub fixed tomorrow - we'll see about that too.
Other than that, just trying to catch up on life on a Saturday, organizing the metal room, and stuff like that.