Challenge 14: Corrupted Wishes Game Post

Jul 13, 2013 19:26

Team Hero Corrupted Wishes Post

Deadline: Saturday 20th July at 6pm GMT COUNTDOWN here


- I have set up a game post in each of the team communities for you to play an Avengers-related Corrupted Wishes as a team. Your wishes can be to do with any of the MCU movies that have currently been released.
- In this game, you make a wish and then the next person to comment finds a way to corrupt your wish to make it bad, then will add their own wish, and so on. Each comment you post should be a corruption AND a new wish.
- Each of these must be done as a new comment rather than in reply to the one above in order to avoid confusion.
- Each wish should only be corrupted once, but if two people happen to comment at the same time I’ll let that slide and the next person to comment can pick the wish they’d most prefer to corrupt.
- Once you have corrupted at least one wish, sign in at the participation thread which I will include in each of your team game posts. If you don’t sign it at the participation thread, you can’t count for your team’s participation percentage.
- You will receive points for each of your corrupted wishes, for up to ten corrupted wishes, so please label each of your comments as such: username - team - comment #.
- I’ll post the first wish and the next person to comment will corrupt that wish, then it’s over to you!
- You can’t respond to yourself.
- Here is an example:
Person 1: I wish that Darcy had been in The Avengers
Person 2: Wish granted! But she genuinely fell for Loki and went dark side. I wish we could have seen a scene with Steve and Pepper.
Next person: Wish granted! But…
- As already mentioned, you will receive individual points for up to ten corrupted wishes providing they’re correctly labelled. You may post more if you wish though. There is also a twenty point bonus available for the team with the most percentage participation and a twenty point bonus for the team which reaches 200 comments first.
- For this challenge only, there is no need for anyone to post their entry links to this challenge post . The entries will remain private to your team communities until the challenge is over.
- I’ll copy these rules into the team posts too so it’s easy for you to see at a glance.

Points: Individual: 1 point per corrupted wish, for up to 10 corrupted wishes. Plus a potential 40 bonus points. No sig tag/icon bonuses for this one.

re: group challenge, re: mod message, re: 4th mission

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