My wife had a very good friend in college named Meg Ninos, who was struck by an appalling tragedy. Rather than spoil everyone's day, I'll let you google "Meg Ninos" if you want your day spoiled.
The event took place one week ago today. This past Sunday, we got a call from another college friend, a close friend of Meg and Ruth Anne from Mount Holyoke College, which is when we found out. Coincidentally, there was a Mount Holyoke Alumni meeting that evening, so much lamenting and discussion could take place. Ruth Anne set up a web page, , so that people would have a place to post their thoughts and memories. Ruth Anne has been frantically busy talking and organizing, as is her usual response to such things.
Meg lived in Boston, and I saw her in person about once a year, and Ruth Anne usually twice. They stayed pretty close, with frequent phone calls and the like. Meg's daughter Maggie was almost exactly one year older than Amelia.
Yesterday, I hope, marked the end of the day by day unfolding of the plot, so we can get on with the five stages of grief.
Even now, its very unreal. These things don't happen in real life, at least not to people you know.