Dug up from Ruu's journal. Spoilers through endgame.
01. Favorite Character Overall and Why: ...Luke. There is no debate on this for me. I LOVE EVERYONE LIKE BURNING but I'm weak for main characters. I think it's because we see everything from their PoV and are easiest to get close to. Were Guy the main character he'd probably be my favorite cause we'd be seeing HIS life but... as it is? Luke.
I loved him to begin with, really, since I like stupid whiny characters sometimes and Luke somehow manages to be so endearing about it, perhaps because it's obvious he's not MEAN so much as deeply socially retarded. But it's more than that, the way he faces death continually throughout the game, from fear of killing to fear of dying to fear of allowing the world to die. The way whenever he decides to learn something, whether it be how to control his hyperresonance or how to change himself, he tries so hard. I like how humbled he becomes and that he never loses that, even once he finds his own spine, and how he also never quite loses that bit of casual arrogance to him either.
Basically, Luke's the character that repeatedly broke my heart, who I most wanted to see be happy. Though... at the end Asch came really darn close.
02. Least Favorite Character Overall and Why: Hm... if we're just talking main cast here... I gotta decline this question. I genuinely love all our heroes a LOT. I would say either Tear or Natalia interest me the least, but that's not quite fair to say least favorite because I in no way don't love them, I just love the others more.
03. Favorite WTF/Gay-innuendo Moment and Why: "And then you can run away with me to Daath." "Okay, Master Van 8D" I KNOW VAN/LUKE IS BAD, BUT IT'S STILL HILARIOUS.
04. Favorite Overall Male Character (PC or NPC): SEE ABOVE.
05. Favorite Overall Female Character (PC or NPC): Hmm... Early on I would say Anise, however I never quite recovered my full love for her after the event with Ion (though I think SHE recovered from it pretty well) so after that it would be Tear or Natalia and I'd probably have to for Tear. I like the peace around Tear, she isn't quite zen but it's more an ability to face the outcome of anything. I also love that she cares for Luke a lot but doesn't stand in his way. I think if Tear AND Guy got violent on Luke to keep him alive, he wouldn't've done what he did. And I like the very underplayed way they handle Tear having to kill her beloved brother.
06. Favorite Artes:
CAN'T REMEMBER THEM THAT WELL. Ask me once I've got all my artes back so I can refer to them in game.
07. Most Annoying Character EVAR: Mohs would have been a million times less painful with a good design. BUT INGOBERT >\ I don't care if he is only a stupid asshole that once THE WHOLE THING WITH NATALIA PISSED ME OFF. WE SHOULD HAVE CUT OFF HIS HEAD AND MADE NAT-CHAN QUEEN. Rar.
08. Characters you once disliked but now like: I didn't like Ion to start. Cute, helpless boys like that tend to annoy me. But I came to love him because Anise loved him. I can't argue he's kind of a pain in the ass, but I like him a lot and I was devastated when he died. And now that I'm on replaying and noticing how much Luke cares about him, I just love him more D=
09. Favorite Pairing(s): In a rough sort of order |D Guy/Luke, Luke/Asch, Van/Guy, Jade/Guy, Jade/Anise SHUT UP OKAY, Peony/Jade, Peony/Guy, Jade/Dist, Frings/Jozette >\, Van/Luke, Van/Asch, Natalia/Asch, Luke/Tear, and I'm gradually kinda liking Guy/Tear courtesy of my HEAD. THAT'S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE.
10. Least Favorite Pairings: Hmm. I'm not sure I have any. Guy/Natalia doesn't work for me for some reason. But that's really the only one I've seen and gone 'meh' over. Guy/Asch has AU potential but in the course of the game doesn't work for me. And that's it short of anything really wtf like... Tear/Dist.
11. Best Character Designs in Your Opinion: Hmm I like Luke's hair long and short. FLOOPY HAIRED WET ASCH A+++ Largo's design (big man, big scythe!) Anise in her little devil costume, gotta agree that Tear has a great design for a chick and it fits her somehow. Natalia in her bathing suit. Also gotta agree with Ruu on Jade's pacman belt. It's somehow EVEN MORE HILARIOUS that it's Jade of all people that got that. I like the outfit Guy gets from Peony, as well as his pilot suit. I like Anise's bathing suit (it fits? It's cute!) I would like Luke's berserker outfit a lot more if it didn't cover up his face and make watching important scenes hard >\
12. Favorite Dungeon Thus Far: For the most part, I think the dungeons were kinda lacking in their tendency to be repetitive. I liked the Absorption Gate for pairing off the characters, and I liked Eldrent for being pretty, and I liked Feres Isle for being heartbreaking in it's existence.
13. Favorite City Thus Far: Grand Chockmah >D
14. Do Luke's Abs of Steel Distract You?: Just on the status page =\ His long hair does there too. Sopretty.
15. True or False: Guy's Gynophobia is just the Coolest Thing Ever: True |D I'm SAD AND AMAZED IT HASN'T BEEN USED SO WELL BEFORE. I think my favorite part of it was that it was often treated not as the MAIN HAPPENING in the scene but rather something done almost casually. Girl walks up, Guy BACKS THE FUCK AWAY, girl talks to Luke or whoever she was trying to get to and no one even comments on Guy being... Guy. The whole "GIRL TORMENTS GUY" is only used a few times throughout the game, mostly at the beginning as the girls get used to it, so it never gets old. I was also fairly surprised there was a reasonable explanation behind it. And SAD when Guy started gradually getting better. Cause it's funny D= Oh, and I also like that they treated it with serious once in a while. Like how Guy felt bad for not being able to catch Tear when she fell.
16. What are Your Thoughts on Mieu?: Hilarious |D I love Mieu. "Master gave me the name Thing |D!" godsocute
17. Who Deserves to Die a Thousand Deaths?: Mohs >\ I WON'T SAY INGOBERT JUST BECAUSE NATALIA STILL LIKES HIM but I wouldn't cry over it if he DID. You killed Ion you fucking fucker. Die.
18. True or False: Mohs is a Castrati.: why did you just make me consider Mohs' balls?...mysoul
19. Peony vs. Ingobert.: DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO ASK?
20. Tokunaga vs. Mieu: Mieu, but I still love Tokunaga D=
19. Does the fact that Guy's voiced by Vash the Stampede mean anything at all to you?: Kinda! For me Vash is the seiyuu, because frankly Guy's VA was subpar as Vash. But I'm VERY GLAD he's gotten a lot better since he did Trigun. I think if he redid Trigun with the skill he has now I'd be very pleased D= And I find it a little hilarious cause I play Vash >D
20. Then how about the fact that he's voiced by a former Power Ranger?: ...actually I think the key point here is that this means VASH is voiced by a former power ranger... lol >D
21. Favorite Skit(s) Thus Far: ...how am I supposed to remember? ...All of them =D
22. True of False: Largo's weapon is overcompensation.: False. What Ruu said. (Largo isn't the type to overcompensate and he's a big guy so it's unlikely he needs it).
23. Any parts that made you cry, or get teary-eyed?: Hmm. there was a point where I ACTUALLY CRIED and it was like two tears and it was right at the very end, where Tear is sitting on the rock waiting for Luke to reappear, and it's RIGHT BEFORE he actually reappears and I was heartbroken thinking, he won't come. D=
But Tower of Rem and Asch's death, and Luke descending into the Earth holding Asch's body, and Ion's death and Tear's discussion with Van just before he dies, and Luke's denial that he'd done anything wrong at Akzeriuth, are all the moments that broke my heart the hardest. I just don't cry that easy.
24. Would you want Abyss to continue as a series? (Tee hee, TotA-2 lol): I would love Gaiden's, I think, stuff that even further fleshed out the stories of the side characters, or stuff that told EARLIER stories (Yulia Jue anyone?) but as much as 'open endings' frustrate the hell out of me, I think to continue a story past it's end is doing it injustice. It's one thing for the fans to dream on, that's the idea, the story isn't over when the book is closed. But at the same time, yes it is. Some of the worlds greatest ideas where run into the dirt by people that wanted to keep cashing in on it instead of letting it live it's life only to it's fullest. So. In short? No.
25. Anything you would change about the game if you could?: The cursed fonslot thing was stupid >D I actually didn't have any problems with pacing though, I like that there is always plot to do but that I can frequently find moments to go do sidequest stuff. I DO think the game suffers from occasionally glossing over weird stuff, or ignoring stuff you think they would register as IMPORTANT. The worst of it, I think, is that you get all of the best stuff at the end of the game and you can't carry it over to the new game. I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE USE OF WEAPONS THAT CAN DO 9999 DAMAGE IF ONE OF THEM DOESN'T APPEAR UNTIL RIGHT BEFORE THE FINAL BOSS. >\ I also think the early on fonon explanation isn't handled very well. I've played the game once and I STILL have to write everything down and think about it in order to understand. It didn't even REGISTER The first time. I also think it would've been cool if you could go get your score read in game for stuff other than plot points >D It would've been neat to get a score like "You will have bad luck today" or something, and then have your character's luck rating go down for a little while. WOULD HAVE HAD MORE ASCH. I probably wouldn't say he would've lived, cause his death is more powerful than his continued life would have been, but seriously. NEEDS MORE ASCH.
Also agree Sync could need a new VA, didn't really have a problem with anyone else.