Aug 22, 2010 10:31
School starts tomorrow. I need a coach that'll get me through this last year. Soooo burned out :(
Anyone use wordpress? Does anyone have a website builder to suggest?
I NEED NEED NEED a portfolio website of some sort to show people. I need it to NOT be Aviva Shywolf associated (too much furry connotation, though I might use Shywolf Studios later). I need it to not be furry related. Professional professional professional!
More and more people are asking for a link to my portfolio. I don't want to give them my DA, because my furry crap is still on DA even if it's in the scraps. Plus, I HATE the way DA browses.
It would be really nice if it were an easy to browse website that would be easy to remember (like the URLs for DA or FA or whatever)
Other choices: wordpress, blogspot, ??????
Help please????