Pandemic and doom-scrolling versus wonder and joy: it is a mental discipline to choose one's focus. It is a peaceful morning. Benito had a sleepover at Grandma's, and I slept as long as I could. I'm sure I woke up before 8 (based on the light) but went back to sleep. I woke up again at probably 9 from a weird dream that were just unpleasant enough to make me wake up (breaking a vase that broke a plate, both of which were lovely and I was pissed off/distressed that I broke them) and lazed/dozed in bed another ~15 minutes, then hopped up to take care of biology. The house is quiet, outside is quiet. I have challah I made yesterday that might be for breakfast and lunch, and I even have chalvah! This afternoon I go to all-girls RPG night, and I will be clear that I need to leave by 1:30 because Benito and I have snow-tubing tomorrow and I need to be up in the morning. Oh, okay, I can leave at 2 AM, be in bed by 2:30, up by 8:30, no worries. Phew! That's much more reasonable for our group. *grin*
There truly aren't too many things that cause me stress in life, it's just that those few things bring a LOT of stress, or perhaps a really rough baseline of nearly constant stress. Today feels like a day that those constant threads could shut the hell up.
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