Two movies:

Jul 04, 2021 01:59

- Toast: 2010, starring Helena Bonham-Carter and Freddie Highmore and a youngster who plays a younger Freddie Highmore for most of the movie. A boy who loves his mom, who is an awful cook, and hungers for good food. Based on a true story of a beloved British food journalist and TV personality, it made me cry at least twice. I would recommend it for people who like stories about people, and also food. Complete undersell, but it's late. ... He tries to win his dad's heart through cooking, but his dad is crap at both showing his son love and putting his son above his own appetites.

- The Nines: 2007, starring Ryan Reynolds, Melissa McCarthy, Elle Fanning, and another blond ladie, with Viola Davis in a few parts as well. This was a movie in three parts, and a brief epilogue, and my least favorite was the end of part 3. Part 1 was an actor who gets into a car wreck and goes onto house arrest, breaks that and gets an anklet monitor so he can't leave the house, but then things get really weird. Part 2 starts to develop the weirdness while telling a story that might be parallel to the first, and dives deeper. Part 3 ... I gotta say, the set-up was better than the conclusion. It was good acting all around, so if you like those actors it's a good watch, but the story left me wanting to watch another movie. I wouldn't want that to be the end of my night. It was a good ending, as I said: good epilogue. Just, eh. A few funny lines, I give it 1 thumb up, 2 out of 5 stars, maybe 2.5.

Bonus: I watched In the Heights, in a theater. Tickets are expensive these days - ~15 CAD, which is just wrong. (Therefore, I have earmarked a bunch of movies to watch while taking some vacation time next week, on Amazon Prime, for which I am paying monthyl and might as well use as much as possible.) It was totally worth it. I loved this movie, as much as I loved the musical. Everything was great: lyrics, music, choreography, cinematography, locations, little jokes (the hold music!), and the updates from the original were meaningful and perfect.

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