Not our best weekend...

Nov 11, 2019 17:44

It could've been a lot worse, but it was a bit unexpected.

Shabbat was pretty nice - Friday night we had breakfast for dinner, with veggie patties, eggs, and nearly-homemade dessert: pumpkin pie! I made the insides, from real pumpkin no less, and saved time by buying a kosher pie crust. I was prepared to make the pie crust myself, but if that had been the case I would've waited for Saturday or Sunday night. This way, I could make it all easily on Friday evening. Benito was not actually a fan, but Rick was greatly pleased.

Vanessa came over and hung out, which was nice. She's in a job that has her work a non-regular schedule, so she hasn't been over for quite a while. We chatted, and played a game of Munchkin Apocalypse - freshly unwrapped! The cards were not in Rick's favor, but they were in mine, and I won without having to resort to much Munchkinly behaviour at all. The cards did it for me. *grin* Rick went to bed at a reasonable hour, Vanessa slept over and she and I went to bed at an unreasonable one.

Shabbat, Benito and I went to services as usual, and had a pretty acceptable time there. The afternoon was a challenge for me, however: I was struggling to stay awake while playing Mario with Benito, in fact running poor Peach off of platforms into the lava/empty air/that weird blue glowy stuff that isn't lava and surely isn't water. I begged off for an hour's nap. Upon waking, I was quite grumpy; snack was imperative. The rest of the day went well enough; shabbat ends at around 6 PM now, so Benito and I did havdalah together. Benito is terribly sad that he doesn't get to drink all the wine (actually grape juice!) in the cup - because the flame needs to go out in the wine - why can't we just blow it out? Honestly, I don't know the theological reason and I'll therefore have to look it up, but last night "this is how it is done and I can get you grape juice in a cup after we're done" worked well enough.

Sunday the family went out to breakfast (IHOP) and then to the Circle Craft Fair, a pretty big artisan craft show that I have attended annually for ... at least 5 years now? Long enough that I know certain artists, and expect others, and I noticed this year that one of my favorites wasn't there - or possibly I missed him, I guess, but I think he wasn't there. Anyway, we were ambling along, and Benito got tired, so I carried him on my shoulders as we walked down one aisle, then he walked again, then I carried him again for another aisle, then we had a snack, and then he kept saying he was soooo tiiiired, and practically crawling up my body to be carried, which is just not usual these days, so I held him, and he was asleep within 5 minutes. I took a seat with him and he slept on me for at least ... 15 minutes? I let Rick wander a little, and then he came back and we moved to an actual couch, and he sat with him while I quickly wandered the second half of the place. We decided to come back on Monday, get home and let the kid rest more. I'd say he made it to bed at his usual hour - bedtime routine by 8:30, lights out at 9. Rick and I watched Walking Dead/Talking Dead, and then felt up for The Rookie, which is just great. Bedtime was again a bit late, but Monday (today) was Remembrance Day, a holiday in Canada.

This morning, Benito woke me up by crying next to the bed - his tummy hurt, he really needed to poop, he needed my help. I went with him to the second bathroom (the main was occupied) but it turns out he only needed to pee. That was quite unusual - tummy hurting in the morning. Hrm. He and I rested on the couches watching some videos (Yoshi's Wooly World game walk-through: pretty entertaining), when he ran back to the bathroom saying "I have to go again!" and then I heard him cry one. I went over, and he was puking on the little rug at the toilet! Poor kiddo, that explains the waning energy, lack of normal appetite, and his tummy hurting this morning. He got all the water out that he'd had that morning, then basically put himself back to bed. He slept for another 3 hours, and has spent the day with various forms of screen entertainment: watching, playing, and the last two hours have been on Sesame Street! First it was a potty game, and now it's a gardening game. I'm loving it... but only for the first little bit. Now, as with all small-person endeavors, it's gone on too long for my old self, but he's still having fun planting, watering, and harvesting tomatoes, peppers, sunflowers, and the like. Thank goodness dinner is in ~10 minutes.

I did manage to get back to the Circle Craft Fair this morning while he slept - I was incredibly focused and managed to get stuff for all the people on my work list and a few other folks as well. My goal was to be in and out of there before my 1-ride Compass card expired (90 minutes from time of purchase) and I made it! It was 10:38 or so as I started my Skytrain trip from Richmond to Waterfront Station, ~ 11:10 when I entered the market, and I left it again at 11:50 or so. Go me! I know I could've bought maybe 2-4 more items, and I didn't buy anything for *me*, but I am happy with how it went. *grin*

Benito's been fine since he woke up. He never had a fever in the first place. Unless something goes wrong this evening/tomorrow morning, we're going to send him to school. I am seriously hoping he's worked through whatever was the problem in the first place. We'll try to get him earlier to bed tonight. Both Rick and I are anticipating really busy days, but we will have to adjust if necessary.

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health, benito, life

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