This piece of news is all over my flist and has been all day. And one has to wonder since when checking your flist is the most reliable way of getting news as shocking and sickening as that one. Well, since they didn't bother reporting it anywhere. It made me sick to read about the things that were done to Hall, and it makes me even sicker that they imagine they can get away with it just by saying they thought he was gay.
Since when being gay is something that deserves being beaten to death for hours on end? Since when thinking someone is gay absolves you of a violent, hateful and horrifying crime? What worrries me the most is not that the crime was commited, though that is enough to leave me shaking with impotent rage, but the fact that it wasn't reported in the news. Is not important? Is not something worth writing about that a man was beaten to death for almost a day? Why? Just because he was supposedly gay? And just how many people think like the guys who did this? I'm afraid that if they are using their victim's supposed sexual orientation as a defense they must think it can work. That is the scariest thought of all.
Esta noticia ha estado apareciendo por toda mi flist durante el dia de hoy. Y me tengo que preguntar desde cuando leer tu flist es la forma mas fiable de conocer noticias tan sorprendentes y repugnantes como esta. Bueno, pues desde que nadie se molesto en publicarla. Me ha puesto enferma leer sobre las cosas que le hicieron a Hall, y me pone aun mas enferma que imaginene que se pueden ssalir con la suya solo por decir que pensaron que era gay
¿Desde cuando es ser gay algo que merece que te maten a golpes durante horas? ¿Desde cuando pensar que alguien es gay te absuelve de un crimen violento, odioso y horrorizante? Lo que mas me preocupa no es que el crimen se cometiese, auqneu eso es suficiente para dejarme temblando de rabie e impotencia, si no el hecho de que no fuese noticia. ¿No es importante? ¿No merece la pena escribir sobre como un hombre recibio una paliza mortal durante casi un dia entero? ¿Porque? ¿Porque se suponia que era gay? ¿Y cuanta gente piensa como los tipos que hicieron esto? Me temo que si estan utilizando la supuesta orientacion sexual de su victima coo deffensa deben pensar que va a funcionar. Eso es lo que mas me asusta de todo.