Still alive

Sep 30, 2013 16:16

I know, I haven't updated in a long while and lots of things have changed since the last time. I'm going to try to be better about it (though I make no promises)

So... living in London, again. And new job, which is pretty much the same as the old job with a change of scenery and industry, but reaffirms my belief that users are the same no matter the country, language and occupation. But, though I'm missing my friends from Spain, now I have all the people I left behind in London when I moved, plus duare, gaia_naturae. barda_morgana and neperiana also living around here. Also, quitting smoking, and yes, I know it's not the first time (and obviously, as I am trying again, I wasn't very successful previously, but I keep trying)

Also, it's that time of the year again! Yes, fest time. As always I am neck deep in aisinfronteras, showing that duare, gaia_naturae and my masochism knows no bounds. This year to make things more interesting, as if they weren't interesting enough, we also participate with a fic to one of the other mods, our own little exchange.

And since modding and participating only one fest would be for normal people, there is also kakairu_fest, where I'm also on double duty.


art by nerrianah; click on the pic to get to the sign-up post!

And of course, the one I can't miss, because there can be no Christmas without the go_exchange Can't wait for the sign ups to open. And no, in this one I only participate. And unfortunately don't have a banner for it. And speaking of Good Omens, I have tickets to go to Neil Gaiman's reading of his latest book in London on the 15th of October, and I will probably try and get my copy of Good Omens signed by him, as I already have Terry Pratchett's signature.

rl, ai, fests, london

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