Dear kakairu_fest Remixer

Mar 05, 2011 21:45

I'm very excited about this! I hope you also are :)

Have a look around, you can find everything here or in my tag list or in AO3, or my Memories.

There are a couple of WIPs and a previous Remix (A Dangerous Man) and also a Safe Story (Shadows on the Moon) but I hope you have enough material to play around and can find something you like. On that note, The Bet universe is not a WIP, and can be taken as one shots or all together, so it's fine to pick that one if so you chose. The same goes for the Lust, Love universe.

There are no restrictions, and I'm very, very hard to squick, so please go wild and play as much as you want with whichever fic you chose!
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