Fandom meme

Jun 13, 2009 18:54

I saw this in starcrossedgirl's journal and couldn't help myself, this is one of those memes yoou have to love :)

Comment to this entry and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favourite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

So she gave me Bleach, HP and Heroes.


1. Well, I started reading this manga when I didn't know shit about fandom and I loved it. I mean, what is there not to love? Hot guys (ok, manga guys, but hot anyway) with big swords and kicking ass all the time. It was natural that once I've gotten involved in fandom I would look in this direction and search for the Bleach fandom. It took me some years, but once I got into it it's difficult to get out.

2. I'm not sure, because I'm one of those people who can't stay still for long, but I think I'm here to stay, which is a good things since just today I got it a Bleach tattoo and I would hate to fall out of love with something so permanent. I mean, there are just too many characters I love in the manga and there is no way I get tired of them. If a ppairing starts getting boring there are like a thousand more, and the fandom is pretty active, so there is always oportunity to find something new.

3. Right, the Pendulum Arc is right there at he top of the list, though Hitsugaya vs Gin fight and the Ichigo vs Byakuya are some of my favorites. And anything with Grimmjow in it, even if it becomes boring like the Grimmjow vs Ichigo fight, if it has Grimm in it, I'll love it.

4. Do I ever... it's the fandom I'm most active in. I don't know how many fics I've written for this fandom, but more than 50 for sure, and I keep getting ideas for something new every now and then (or every single day, more likely). I'm also and editor in the dayly newsletter for the fandom and even try to draw, though I suck big time.

5. Yes, of course. The more the merrier! Though I have to draw the line in 12 year old girls Mary Sue-ing their arses into the fandom... they can stay out.

Harry Potter

1. Sirius' death. Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but it was what pushed me into the HP fandom. I had recently discovered fandom (with manga shows) when the 5th book was released and after reading it... well, Sirius was my favorite character and I didn't like the fact that he had kicked the bucket, so since I knew the existence of fanfiction by that time I looked for it. It completely sucked me in, to the point that what I remember the most about that summer is the ammount of fic I read.

2. I've already kind of moved on... not completely, but it's been a long time since I was as involved as in the beginning.

3. My favorite book is PoA. It't the one where it stopped being a children's book for me, it became darker and a hell lot more interesting.

4. Some, I write fic (not many and mostly in spanish) and I used to trasnlate fic as well. Mostly I just keep in touch with the people I met thanks to it and squee over new films and plan things.

5. Into this one? there are already enough people, but yes, why not? As I said, the more the merrier.


1. Well, the show. I loved the first season, and the second one, though a bit dissapointing was still very good. I haven't touched the fandom except for a few fics here and there, it's difficult to improve what was already so good.

2. Not really, I haven't watched the third season.

3. When Peter saves Claire, I love that moment. And later, when Claire's father tells him his name. that one had me squeeing out loud. You just have to love Noah.

4. No, not really.

5. In this case it doens't matter much to me since I don't participate in fandom. Watch the show? Yeah, I think it's a good show and more people should watch it, but the fandom part... *shrugs*.

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