OP Fic: Once more with feeling - Day 7

Apr 08, 2009 14:04

Title: Once more with feeling - Day 7
Author: aviss
Pairing: Zoro/+Sanji
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Angst, Horror.
Warning: Violence, character deaths (only not)
Disclaimer: So disclaimed.
Summary: Sanji is given a second chance to set things right. And a third. And a fourth…
Word Count: ~3.800 this part
A/N: This is now complete, finally! I wanted to post everything before I go on holiday tomorrow, so here is is.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6

Day 7

"Oi Cook, you fell asleep in the galley again and it's your watch now," Zoro said his voice a gruff whisper. He looked half asleep and Sanji stifled a yawn.

"Go to sleep you dumbass, I'm awake," Sanji said jumping up from the bench and rushing outside, the cold air of the early morning helping him feel a bit more refreshed.

It was the last chance and this time he couldn't afford to lose even one of his friends. He knew what he had to do.

Humming happily to himself he climbed up to the Crow's Nest, staring out of the window at the red moon reflected in the waters. Red had never been a favourite of his, and after this it was sure to have a position at the bottom of the list, but somehow today he didn't care much.

Today the moon looked less like blood and more like rubies.

Nami would have loved it.

Nami--there was a thought to warm Sanji's heart. His pretty Nami-swan with the beautiful eyes and shapely body. She was so lovely he wouldn't mind dying for her.

He intended to do it. Tonight.

And for Robin. Robin-chwan with the soft voice and the knowing eyes. Always the lady: calm and composed and so very beautiful. Someone to die for if Sanji had ever known one.

Sanji smiled thinking about them, his pretty lovely ladies.

But they weren't the only ones, and Sanji wouldn't mind giving his life for any of his nakama.

Luffy, the boy who had promised to take him to his dream. The first person ever not to question the reality of it--if it was real enough for Sanji, it was real enough for Luffy and that was all that mattered.

Sanji would follow his Captain to the end of the world if needed.

And Usopp, the Great Captain Usopp. He really didn't know how brave he really was, always hiding behind his epic stories and his cheap masks. Sanji was certain Usopp would be a brave warrior one day. It was a pity he wouldn't be there to see it, but it was enough knowing he played a part on it.

Chopper was still a child. A child in the body of a monster but a child nonetheless. And he was always trying to keep up with them, which couldn't be easy considering who they were. It was incredible he managed to keep an innocent heart after all he'd seen and Sanji wanted him to keep it forever.

He'd give anything to make sure of that.

Franky was still a perverted bastard, not two ways around that one. But just one look around the Sunny was enough to tell anyone with eyes he wasn't just your average perverted bastard. And Sanji had to admit he did wonders for the mood on the ship, he was as insane as the rest of the Straw Hats and had a dream as big as theirs. He needed to achieve it.

Brook was special even by their standards, but Sanji could see his determination to keep a promise to a friend, even after death. He'd make sure Brook kept it.

And Zoro--the fucking idiot marimo who'd offered his life in exchange for the Crew's. He was probably the only one who'd understand Sanji and what he was about to do. He even forfeited his dream if that would spare his nakama's lives. They were so alike it was unbelievable.

Sanji's heart clenched at the thought of the marimo, his mind going back to what he had done last night.

He really was a moron, wasn't he?

He had been obsessed with the marimo since the first time he set foot on the Merry, spending as much time annoying him and getting into fights as he did fawning over the girls. And he had been so worried after what happened with Kuma--worried and angry at Zoro for pulling that shit on them and almost dying.

In hindsight one didn't need to be a genius to figure that one out.

Well, he had needed insanity and several rounds against Death itself to see what was in front of his eyes, he certainly hoped Zoro wasn't about to figure it out as well now Sanji wouldn't be around anymore.

It was funny how different were his thoughts about his friends now he had a little hope. Sanji felt slightly ashamed of himself for his previous behaviour, but luckily no one was going to remember.

He was feeling pretty energetic for someone who hadn't slept since forever by the time Robin arrived to change shift, and he greeted her with a wide smile.

"Robin-chwan, you look so lovely this morning!"

And she did, still half asleep and a bit rumpled she was a sight for Sanji's eyes. She returned his smile sleepily. "Good day Cook-san, you look like you are in a good mood today."

"I am. I finally found the answer to a question which was driving me insane."

Quite literally, though he wasn't going to say that.

"Oh, that's good," she said leaning against the window and staring out at the ocean.

"I have to prepare breakfast, Robin-chwan. Do you want something special for today?" he asked though he knew what she was going to say.

"Thank you, Cook-san but the usual is already special enough."

He nodded and went down to the kitchen. He was going to make a breakfast to remember.

It was his last one after all.

"Wow Sanji, you outdid yourself today!" Luffy was staring at the lavish spread on the table with wide-eyed wonder, droll already falling down the side of his mouth.

Everyone else seemed to agree with that if the stunned expressions on their faces were anything to go by. Sanji felt a swell of pride and affection in his chest.

"What's the occasion, Cook?" Zoro was the only member of the crew who didn't share their wonder. He was regarding the food with suspicion, his eyes darting from the table to Sanji.

"I just wanted to try something new," Sanji lied, "any problem with that, Marimo?"

"You can try new things anytime, Sanji!" Luffy said enthusiastically around a mouthful of meat and rice, spraying grains wildly on the table. Sanji kicked him for speaking with his mouth full, like he always did, and the rest of the crew took it as their cue to start eating as well.

Sanji observed them, committing every little detail to memory: Luffy's ravenous hunger and simple mind, Usopp's nonstop chatter about some lie or another, Brook's annoying skeleton jokes, Robin's indulgent smile and Nami's mischievous one, Chopper's starry eyed expression and even Zoro's suspicious looks. Those were his nakama and he wanted to remember them just like that, erase those other memories--blood and death and pain--from his mind.

"I'm going to take some of this to Franky," he said gathering some food on a plate before Luffy finished it all.

He climbed up to the Crow's Nest where Franky was staring out of the window at the calm sea. Sanji hadn't really looked at the Triangle during the day, too busy cooking and with everything else happening, but he had to admit it looked beautiful when the waters were calm.

"Oh, thanks, Sanji-bro," Franky said accepting the bottle of cola Sanji offered him.

He had tried to break him of that nasty habit without much success.

"It's calm out there," Franky said finishing the first bottle in one gulp and reaching for the second one. Sanji lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall, his eyes fixed on the blue waters.

"Yes, it is very calm."

"I hope we pick some good wind to take us to Merman Island soon," Franky said putting the second bottle down and starting on the food. "This is really good bro!"

Sanji smiled, "I know."

They stayed in comfortable silence for a few more minutes, the only sounds in the Crow's Nest those of Franky's enjoyment of his breakfast. When he had finished the storm clouds could already be seen approaching.

"Fuck it; I guess this is the Triangle. We'll have a storm on us in a couple of minutes," Franky said looking outside with narrowed eyes. "All hands on deck!" he shouted.

And they were off.

For the first time in his life Sanji's hand shook while he was preparing dinner. As the hour approached Sanji's calm wore off, his nerves tingling with fear and excitement, his body inundated by an energy which should have been all but spent.

He didn't even know why he was in the kitchen, pretending everything was normal and starting dinner preparations he wasn't going to finish, but he needed something to keep his hands occupied while he waited for what was to come.

And for Zoro, let's not forget waiting for Zoro. The Marimo was about to enter the kitchen and re-enact their usual scene. Sanji had been looking forward to it all day with a perverse sort of pleasure. He was going to die tonight, he had nothing to lose. Tonight's scene was going to be a bit different; Sanji, for one, intended to tell Zoro everything he had ever wanted to tell the stupid seaweed head.

It was funny how liberating was knowing there would be no consequences, he could curse and kick the bastard and he wouldn't have to answer any of his questions, he didn't need to have a reason. He could even kiss him, safe in the knowledge that however unrequited his affections might be there would be no rejection, no heartbreak.

At least none that lasted for him. It might be different for Zoro and that was the reason he wasn't going to.

Sanji had considered telling the rest of the crew what was going to happen, get their help defeating the enemies but if they knew what he had to do they would never do it willingly. He had to play with his cards close to his chest, but if that was the way to save them then he would.

Even if they hated him for that.

He heard Zoro enter the kitchen and grab the bottle, like every other day, and turned to look at him. Zoro's expression was different that before, he was studying him carefully, nothing new there, but the pinkish tinge on his face when their eyes met made Sanji wonder whether he had any recollection of the previous day's events.

He sure hoped not.

Zoro shook his head as if dislodging a thought. "Something bothering you, Cook?"
"Yes," Sanji said and couldn't help the smirk on his face at Zoro's surprised look. "I want to talk to you about your stupid death wish."

"Is that what had you so pumped up today? Waiting for a chance to tell me off?" Zoro said his mouth twitching up in a smirk of his own.

Sanji laughed, he hadn't felt this good in a long time, the despair he had been feeling allowing him to miss the pleasure it was just being with his nakama. And arguing with the marimo was one of his favourite things. He was sure he was going to miss it.

"Tell you off? No, that would be hypocritical of me, wouldn't it?" he said taking the bottle from the table and opening it. He took a long swig, feeling the burn of the alcohol going down his throat and made a face. Nasty stuff.

"Then what?" Zoro looked puzzled, it was clear the conversation wasn't going in the direction he was expecting.

"Did you stop to think how we would feel if you gave your life for us?" Sanji said going to the wine rack and selecting the best bottle in it. No sense in having the good stuff wasted after he was gone, knowing his nakama they'd probably empty the bottle on the sea the next day.

He'd enjoy it better now.

"No I didn't," Zoro admitted. "I just thought any way you felt would be good since you'd be alive to."

Sanji nodded, that was the answer he was expecting and he hoped Zoro would remember it later on.

"You didn't think about how Luffy would feel, about how I felt," he continued. "But I know why you did it, and I don't want a repeat."

"What do you mean?" Zoro was staring at him intently, his confusion clear.

"Something is going to happen tonight," he finally said.


"I can't tell you more, but you have to trust me."

"Are you already drunk, Cook?"

"No! Shut up and listen! Something is going to happen and you will not interfere."

Zoro shook his head stubbornly. "I don't understand a word you're saying."

Sanji sighed feeling his nerves fraying, talking to Zoro usually had that effect on him, no matter how much he tried to stay calm. "You don't need to understand. You just need to trust me and do what I tell you if you want everyone to survive."

"How do you know?" Zoro insisted.

"I just do, don't ask." The only way to do it was to keep them in the dark for as long as possible. "Do you trust me?" he repeated, looking Zoro seriously in the eye.

Zoro narrowed his eyes, studying him, considering. "What is this about, Cook?"

"Fuck, don't ask idiot! Just decide if you trust me or not, we don't have time to discuss it now!" Sanji looked out of the window, the ship would be on sight any minute now and Usopp would shout.

"Tell me what is this about you bastard, you've been acting weird even for you, you think I wouldn't notice? Special breakfast and smiles all day long, even during that storm. Something is wrong with you," Zoro insisted stubbornly.

That fucking stubborn seaweed head, Sanji wanted to kick some sense into him. "Trust me you fucker," he said, almost pleading. "Soon, any minute now, a ship is going to attack us. Do what I tell you and we might have a chance," he said hurriedly, desperately. He needed Zoro to believe him but had no time to convince him he wasn't insane. Or maybe he was, he didn't care anymore, he just knew he had to save them.

"What have you been drinking Cook? What are you--"

"Shut it Zoro!" Sanji finally snapped, his eyes darting to the window again. He had no time to explain. "I've been going through this enough to know what we have to do, just fucking trust me for once in your fucking life without wasting our time with idiotic questions!"

Zoro was going to protest, Sanji knew it.

"Pirates!" Usopp's voice reached them and Zoro's eyes widened, looking out and turning to Sanji again, a thousand questions in his gaze.


"No time," Sanji said, hurrying to the door. "Just do what I tell you, I'll explain everything to you later." Or not, Sanji thought, hoping they would forgive him for not being there when everything ended.

"Fine, but this better be good," Zoro said following him outside.

The ship was in view now and Sanji felt a thrill of fear and excitement rushing through his veins. This time he was going to succeed, no matter what, he was going to.

"When I give you the signal you have to push Usopp overboard," he said, eyes fixed on the Black Ship so he missed Zoro's reaction.

There was no way he would have missed the shout of outrage right in his ear, though. "The fuck! Are you completely raving mad, Cook?"

Sanji turned to look at him, his eyes shinning with insanity and bloodlust. He saw Zoro flinch but didn't care. "Look, just fucking do it ok, you'll understand when the time comes. Stick to Usopp and when I give you the signal toss him overboard, it's the only way--" Sanji looked around and saw everything was in place already. He had wasted precious seconds talking to Zoro. "Fuck!"

"Ew, that has to be the most disgusting Jolly Roger I've seen," Nami was saying and Sanji didn't wait more, he rushed to her side.

"Nami," he said, "listen to me, you have to use the clima tact to create a fog in the Sunny," he said, noticing Zoro had followed him and was listening to his conversation with interest. He saw Zoro raising an eyebrow and realized he had called Nami without the honorific, but he had no time to spare even for courtesy.

Nami looked at him, her brows rushing together in a frown, "But we won't be able to see the enemy if we do that," she said.

"No, that's the only way we will be able to see them. Trust me."

Sanji realized he had been asking his nakama to trust him without giving them an explanation but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Are you sure about that, Cook-san?" Robin said from Nami's side.


Robin nodded and Nami looked first at her and then at Sanji. "Fine, I'll do it but you owe me an explanation."

"Yes, yes, I know," he said impatiently, "Franky! Stay close to the girls, don't go off on your own or I'll kick your arse from here to Merman Island, got it?"

"What's with you, bro?" Franky asked frowning.

"No time to explain!" The hooded figures would be appearing any second now.

"Listen to Cook-san, Franky," Robin said and Franky nodded a tad reluctantly.


Sanji sighed relieved; everything was going to be fine.

The fog wasn't only so they could see the enemy, at least not this time. The fact that the crew wasn't able to see each other in the middle of the whiteness worked to Sanji's advantage, he had the positions of everyone memorized and their movements imprinted in his mind. The only two variables were Zoro and Franky, but he had already taken care of that.

The important part was that they wouldn't be able to see him.

He knew he had to let them fight, there was no way they wouldn't, and he also had to fight and try to stay alive until the timing was right. Usopp was the key; he was always the first one to fall so Sanji had to make sure he wouldn't.

He was getting better at avoiding those damned Zoans; the trick was keeping ahead of them now he could see them and dodge their hits.

He kept all his senses trained on the fight while he moved out of the way, avoiding as much damage as he could and slowly circling the position where he knew the girls were, Usopp and Zoro close by.

He could hear screams of rage and terror and a faint sobbing close by. It was almost time.

"Robin, Nami don't worry," Sanji heard his Captain say. "I'll defeat these guys, whoever they are."

The faint clunk of metal hitting the railing told him Luffy was trying to stand in his weakened state. He remembered what came next and got out of the way just in time to avoid his hand being crushed. Those fuckers weren't only persistent, they were also repetitive.

He'd have to thank them for that.

"Zoro, now!" he shouted and the next he heard was the loud splash of several bodies hitting the water and a gunshot. No screams came but he could swear Usopp's voice was still cursing from the unseen waters.

"What the fuck?" Zoro's surprised voice reached him from Usopp's place next to the railing. He must have noticed the gunshot.

"The girls, marimo! Do the same!" he shouted and turned to where he guessed Franky would be on the other side of them.

He was so focused on getting there he couldn't dodge a blow to his side, pain exploding in his waist and ribs and making his vision swim for a second. Fuck!

He doggedly continued moving forward, seeing Franky's form in front of him.

"Sorry Franky," he said before aiming a kick to his chest.

Franky barely had the time to look at him surprised before he was falling overboard, a loud curse falling from his mouth. Sanji smiled, only one more.

Without pausing, Sanji turned to where Zoro was, hoping to catch him unawares as well but knowing it was going to be more difficult. He was right. The first kick was parried with a sword, Zoro glaring daggers at him.

"What is this all about?" he asked slashing one of the things coming at him from the side, his eyes never leaving Sanji.

Sanji didn't say anything. There was nothing to say, he ducked low when the next hit came his way and observed Zoro, timing his next attack carefully. Now there were only the two of them and all the enemies on the ship, and Zoro was already bleeding again.

His chance came pretty quickly, the Zoans attacking in twos now they had the advantage of number. Zoro moved his eyes away from Sanji for an instant to counter a blow and that was all he needed.

He felt his kick connect and could see Zoro's disgruntled expression and he fell over the railing, his hands trying to find purchase on the wet wood but hindered by his own swords.

"Fucking bastard!" Zoro shouted and Sanji turned away from the railing and walked to the other side.

He had won.

There was a howl of rage, the first sound he had ever heard the enemy making, and then the shot which told him his victory was complete.

Sanji saw the woman appear and smiled, trying to lift his hand to light a cigarette but unable to muster the strength for it.

"I guess this is it," he said, his voice weak and barely audible. "I won."

You did.

He could hear faintly in the distance the sound of heavy boots hitting the deck and guessed his kick had not thrown the marimo as far as he had hoped.

He didn't want to see his face right now, not when he was about to leave. He had a moment to be grateful for the mist still covering the ship.

"So I was right, they couldn't be in the same place you were," he said and the woman nodded.

Death spared them once, but it wasn't me so they flee when I arrive, just in case I take them, she said and something in her voice told Sanji it might not be the complete truth but he didn't care.

"Oi Cook!" Zoro's voice reached him and Sanji tired to turn his head to look that way. "Sanji! Answer me!"

"Shall we go now? I'd rather not have to say goodbye to them," he said to the woman and she leaned forward, her hand reaching out to him.

Yes, we'll leave in a minute.

"Sanji! Answer me you bastard!" It sounded closer and far, far away at the same time, and Sanji closed his eyes and breathed out slowly, his body feeling numb and cold already.

It was time.

"Thank you," he muttered letting darkness take him under.

Thank you.


zoro/sanji, once more with feeling, fic, one piece

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