Op fic: Once More With Feeling - Day 3

Mar 15, 2009 18:19

Title: Once more with feeling - Day 3
Author: aviss
Pairing: Zoro/+Sanji
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Angst, Horror.
Warning: Violence, character deaths (only not)
Disclaimer: So disclaimed.
Summary: Sanji is given a second chance to set things right. And a third. And a fourth…
Word Count: ~2.600 this part
A/N: Just to say, since I've been asked, that I'd warn if/when a Character Death is for real... or at least is going to stick.

Day 1
Day 2

Day 3

"Oi Cook, you fell asleep in the galley again and it's your watch now," Zoro said his voice a gruff whisper. He looked half asleep and Sanji stifled a yawn.

"Go to sleep you dumbass, I'm awake."

And he was; more awake than he'd been in a long time, his mind clear and already working on the problem. It was the third day and he was back to the beginning.

He rushed out of the door and climbed up to the Crow's Nest, leaning against the window and watching the peaceful night ocean, the blood tinted moon reflected on the black waters, while he let his mind wander.

What did he learn the previous day? An animal face swarm into his mind, the details clearer in his memory than they actually were when he saw it: a feline face, sharp and cruel eyes, patched face with two black lines descending from the eyes. Sanji had never seen that kind of animal but he had heard and seen pictures of it. That would explain the speed of the thing, for one.

They were not human, or so the woman had said, but they had been once. That left an explanation, and only one, Sanji could think about. Zoan Fruit users. How the fuck did they manage the other trick was the question, if Sanji's assumption was right.

That was what he needed to discover.

And the clock was ticking so no more nights gathering information. He really couldn't afford them.

What else had he discovered? There had been that thing with the marimo. Zoro had felt something different when Sanji didn't argue with him, as if he was expecting to hear something and when he didn't he didn't know how to react. That was odd, more than odd considering Robin had not acted in any way strangely when Sanji stayed with her in the Crow's Nest the previous morning.

Why Zoro? And exactly what was he felt? Maybe it was worth investigating that but Sanji knew he had little to no time for it. There was that storm, which arrived after breakfast like clockwork and lasted until just before dinner.

Maybe if they changed the course--but he would need to explain why he wanted to, and wake Nami-san up right about now for it. And if they varied their course they would never reach Fishman Island or even leave the Florian Triangle, if he ever managed to convince Nami-san he wasn't insane. They had no Eternal Pose, only the Log Pose pointing in the direction they were going now.

There was no other way but forward for them.

Anyway, Sanji had the feeling the Black Ship would find them even if they weren't in the same place.

What he knew so far was that he alone wasn't strong enough to defeat them, if only he could count with the help of one of his nakama--the obvious answer there was either Luffy or the marimo. They were the strongest among the crew but Luffy's strength was useless against things he couldn't see, and Zoro was still recovering from his injuries.

Usopp and Chopper were out of the question, he didn't want to involve the kids, and so were the girls. He didn't know Brooke enough for him to believe what Sanji said and the thought of explaining everything to Franky--no, it had to be Zoro, he was probably the only one who would believe Sanji, he already felt something strange. Or he did the previous time.

His mind made up, he just needed to find a way to explain everything to Zoro so the idiot would believe him.

"Oi Marimo, it's your turn with the dishes," Sanji said when everyone was getting up from the table after breakfast.

Zoro turned to look at him, frowning. Technically it wasn't but Sanji needed to get Zoro alone and see if he could talk to him. Everyone had been surprised seeing the usually opulent breakfast Sanji made in the mornings wasn't there. It wasn't frugal by any means, Sanji knew the storm was coming and they needed the energy, but it wasn't the normal varied feast.

Nobody remarked on it, probably guessing Sanji had other things on his mind. And anyway, the food was still excellent and there was enough meat in it to keep Luffy happy.

The only person who had given an enquiring look at Sanji was Zoro, and he kept staring at him the entire time they were eating. Sanji was convinced now, he had to tell him and get his help.

"It was Usopp's turn," Zoro said when the door closed behind the last of the crew. He went to the sink anyway, giving Sanji a sideways look.

Sanji shrugged and began washing the dishes, buying time to put his thoughts in something resembling order.

"Something bothering you, Cook?" Zoro asked and Sanji stopped for a second. Not that conversation! That one was scheduled for later.

He shook his head.

"No, you have been staring at me since I woke up two days ago," Zoro insisted. Apparently they were going to have that conversation a bit earlier. "Is there something you wanna tell me?"

"Yes, and try to listen to what I have to say. It's important."

"If you want to talk about Kuma and--"

"This is not about Thriller Bark," Sanji interrupted him and Zoro turned to look at him at that, the confused frown Sanji already expected creasing his brow.

Zoro shook his head as if dislodging an unpleasant thought. "Is it not?"

"No, we'll have that conversation another time. Now I have to tell you--"

"All hands on deck!" Franky bellowed and Zoro stared at Sanji for a second longer than necessary before rushing outside to deal with the storm.

Damn! He had not been able to get much time and couldn't explain anything to the marimo but at least the other conversation, the one he knew now they were always going to have anyway, was out of the way.

He hoped to have more luck after the storm and ran outside.

This definitely sounded like a better idea in his head in the morning. Now he wasn't so sure.

"Have you been at the wine again, Cook?" Zoro asked the expression on his face one of the utmost disbelief.

Sanji narrowed his eyes, annoyed.

He had thought it would be easier to explain everything to Zoro, especially considering the idiot already felt something was off, but he had not taken into account how crazy it all sounded when it fell from his lips. Actually, were their positions reversed he'd have a hard time believing it too.

But they weren't, and he had to make the marimo believe him before Usopp gave the alarm.

"No I have not. What I'm telling you it's the truth."

Zoro sat on the bench, staring at Sanji with an arched eyebrow. "You want me to believe we're going to be attacked by creepy dead Zoans and they're going to kill us all," Zoro said slowly, the words sounding all the more ridiculous than they had before. Sanji cursed under his breath.

"Yes, you fucker," he said gritting his teeth. Why had he thought this was a good idea? "You know something is happening, don't you?"

Zoro regarded him seriously, the mocking expression disappearing from his face.

"I know something is happening all right," he said frowning, "something is happening with you. You're acting weird--weirder than usual. Is this about Kuma again?"

Sanji threw his hands up in exasperation. "No you moron, it's not!" Time was running out, he was torn between the urge to kick some sense into the moron's thick head and rush outside to check how much time they had.

Not much; that he knew.

"Then what is this about?" Zoro asked crossing his arms in front of him. "Is this your idea of a joke?"

For fuck's sake!

"Would I joke about something like this?" he asked, his eyes narrowed to slits and his anger and frustration at the idiot's reaction starting to show.

"You seriously expect me to believe--"

Sanji cut him off abruptly, grabbing his arm and pulling him to his feet, their faces scant inches apart, eyes glaring hotly at one another.

"Come outside, you moss-headed bastard," he said almost dragging Zoro out of the door. "Look," he pointed at Usopp who was leaning out of the Crow's Nest window, his eyes narrowed and staring at a far off point in the darkening ocean. "Any second now."


Sanji stared at Zoro who was staring right back, his disbelieving expression turning confused. "Damn, I didn't have time to finish dinner," Sanji said deliberately taking a shot, watching Zoro's face. He had not even started with it but that was beside the point. "I hope they don't take too long to be defeated." He arched up his eyebrow and continued before Zoro had the chance to open his mouth. "You can always go back inside, Cook, and let us deal with the problem," he said his voice an octave lower to mimic Zoro's growly voice.

Zoro narrowed his eyes. "Nah, I've wanted to kick some ass for a couple of days," Sanji parroted in his normal voice, "and since you are still recovering and will have to pass on this one, I guess I'll stay." And then he changed again to Zoro's, who was staring at him with an expression of dawning horror. "Who says I can't fight?"

"What?" Zoro finally managed to say.

"Believe now?" Sanji asked pointedly, "You will see the hideous ship in a minute, and it's creepy as all get-out and they are going to kill every single one of us, so fucking believe me already!"

Zoro kept staring at him, frozen. "Ew, that has to be the most disgusting Jolly Roger I've seen." Sanji mouthed at the same time Nami's voice reached them from the other side of the deck.

That was it, Zoro screwed his eyes shut and gulped, opening them again and glaring at Sanji. But at least now there was no doubt in them.

"Look at it now, Marimo, the Black Ship," Sanji's voice had turned frantic and almost pleading. He noticed how the words had acquired capitals in his mind and voice and thought distractedly that it suited it.

Zoro was looking at the ship and his features were forming an alien expression on his face. He looked scared.

"So we die tonight," Zoro said, almost a whisper. He took a deep breath and schooled his features in something Sanji was more familiar with: determination. "You sure they can kill us, Cook?" He allowed himself a relieved sigh.

"No if we can do something about it," Sanji said, getting ready to fight. "Ignore the hooded ones, they are not real," he said hurriedly. "You won't see the enemies, at least not clearly but don't let yourself be distracted by the other things."

He saw Zoro's tiny nod of acceptance while he untied his bandana and put it around his head, the true signal of his seriousness.

"You'll have to explain things later," Zoro said scowling as the hooded figures materialized on the deck, "for now we beat these things."

It was easier said than done, that much was clear.

Even with the warning it wasn't easy for Zoro to beat enemies he couldn't see, Sanji could see that clearly. There was also the fact that the marimo wasn't in top form, not after Kuma and Thriller Bark.

Sanji focused on his own problems, he already knew it was dangerous getting distracted in this fight. He took a hit to the ribs; the pain exploding on his side and making him double over, coughing.

"Fuck!" he jumped quickly backwards and found himself back to back with the marimo, who was panting heavily and bleeding from a shallow cut on the forehead, blood streaming down his face.

"What are these things?" Zoro asked his voice strained.

"Damned if I know!"

Sanji exhaled the smoke from his cigarette in front of him, hoping to see the shimmering outline of the thing he was fighting. There was nothing.

There was a grunt behind him and he spared a quick look to see Zoro crumbling on the deck, winded.

"Fucking bastards," Zoro said pushing himself up with the help of his swords.

Sanji exhaled again, this time the smoke drifting toward the marimo and struck gold. There was that feline face coming at them at full speed. Zoro had seen it too and he had his swords ready for it.

He cut the thing at the same time the first gunshot tore the air and Sanji swore. "Fuck, Usopp!"

Zoro mirrored his thought with a loud scream. "Usopp! Luffy!"

He tried to move toward them and suddenly the thing he had just killed stood up, clearly visible for the first time. It was a Zoan user all right, too similar to that Lucci bastard for Sanji's peace of mind. He was only half transformed, Zoro's white katana firmly lodged on his chest. It was a killing blow if Sanji had ever seen one but the thing stood again and dragged the sword off him inch by inch. There was no blood on it.

"What?" Zoro's attention was back on the thing and Sanji knew what was going to happen and really didn't want to see it.

Nami and Robin had stopped screaming by then, probably fallen like the rest of their crewmates, only Sanji and Zoro still standing.

There was an other gunshot and this time Sanji felt it as well as heard it, the air leaving his lungs on a pained scream, the front of his suit dripping with blood. Zoro turned to look at him, horror and despair clear in his gaze.

"Sanji!" his words tuned into a wet gurgle and he coughed up blood, falling face first on the deck, Wadou Ichimonji sticking out of his back.

Sanji felt like throwing up. It wasn't the physical pain, he was getting used to that, but Zoro's expression seeing, knowing what was going to happen what made him feel ill. And that was all Sanji's fault.

He had wanted to share the burden with someone and had forgotten how fucking heavy it was. And Zoro's last minutes had been agony for that, knowing everyone was going to die and being unable to stop it.

He should have known better.

"I have to do it alone," he said feeling more tired than he had been in his entire life.


The woman was back, staring at him with those damned knowing eyes.

Most people is not strong enough to fight a lost battle.

"We are not most people."

I know, and that's the reason I gave you this chance.

Sanji nodded. "So they were human once, uh?" He said fumbling for the last cigarette on his pocket. Chain-smoking during the battle had been the only way he could think about to help him see those fuckers, but surely there had to be another way. "Bloody Zoans, at least a couple of them. Why didn't they die when the marimo killed them?"

Dead things can't die again.

It made sense, somehow, but-- "Dead things are not supposed to stand up and fight either."

The woman smiled as if she was pleased with that answer. Sanji was grateful for her help but he was getting sick of half-answers and riddles. He wanted to know more but his consciousness was fading.

You know they sometimes can, she was saying while Sanji's world narrowed more and more, his vision blurring and being swallowed by darkness.

Someone or something else is helping them, Sanji wanted to say but it was already too late.

It would have to wait for another day.

Day 4

zoro/sanji, once more with feeling, fic, one piece

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