Title: The Strongest Author: aviss Pairing: Zoro/Sanji Rating: PG-13 Genre: Humour Warning: Character Death Word count: 430 Notes: Inspired by maldoror_gw's Forty if we're lucky
I'm torn between the urge to laugh and to go angst in a corner ;___;
In which the latter is winning since this morning I've just re-read this fic by maldoror_gw...and this one fits just right with it, you know!! Poor Sanji...
Anyway, it was really great! An unbelievable mixture between angst & humor...good job!
Thank you! Actually, I also read it (I just couldn't remember where, thanks for the link!) and couldn't stop thinking about it until I had to write this....
positively hilarious. it'd be ironic indeed if sanji becomes the strongest swordsman without ever wielding a sword in his life. then again i wouldn't call him 'swordsman' just the strongest man. i do think you are a genius in humor. very witty, indeed. keep it up. *double thumbs up with a flashy grin*
Oh, read it and loved it ^__^ Lol, not what I (nor Zoro) imagined, but that's what's fun! And you got Zoro's growly voice down just right. 'He wasn't unhappy about the result; he had certainly outlived that prick Mihawk and held on to the title for longer.' Yeah, that's pure Zoro.
I do almost feel bad for the brand new yet unfortunately deceased World's Best Swordsman, that defeat would bite...
Oh thanks so much! Your drabble had me thinking for a while, it was great! And yes, I ppitu the poor guy, such fleeting glory and such a silly ending...
Comments 35
And, great fic btw XDD
In which the latter is winning since this morning I've just re-read this fic by maldoror_gw...and this one fits just right with it, you know!! Poor Sanji...
Anyway, it was really great! An unbelievable mixture between angst & humor...good job!
I totally love it, you're a genius!
Poor Zoro though... Sanji rocks!
I do almost feel bad for the brand new yet unfortunately deceased World's Best Swordsman, that defeat would bite...
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