☆ Dream: Seventh Heaven [Interactive]

Oct 28, 2011 00:06

About: Gwendolyn in the Jing: King of Bandits world, specifically from the Seventh Heaven OVA, where she's trapped in a dream... about... dreaming other people's dreams. That could be fun. Throw in any canon in Somarium if you want!
Dream Effects: The feeling of fear, helplessness, and confusion.
Warnings: HIGH-INTENSITY DREAMING None at the moment, though this is like, Inception-level dreaming. The dream becomes interactive after the cut!

[ Gwendolyn was sitting, crushed in between two rather beefy men. She was cuffed, her eyes looking around as the sound of s siren rang loudly in the air. The armored car bumped roughly as it made its way along the road... what was going on?! ]

"I can't go here!" [ Someone else wailed across from her in the cramped car full of prisoners. ] "We're all going to die! Were all going to die in that place! I didn't mean to steal all that stuff...! But, I was just so jealous, that he had it and I didn't and-and...!"

[ Where were they going that could cause so much terror?! Off in the distance, Gwendolyn looked towards the large jail that loomed towards them. She felt her hair stand on end. Was this... was this her true punishment for disobeying her father? An ominous voice rang out as they car drove into the asylum... ]

One thing is for sure: you won't get too comfortable here. Sure~ you get three hots and a cot, but there's always four walls, holding you in. Not five minutes go by without some guard reminding you, you've been deep-sixed in a good-for-nothing place. Welcome... to Asylum Number Seven!

[ Gwendolyn was trying to escape. The Princess ran through the halls, having already been unwittingly caught in some kind of Dream World within the realm of the Seventh Heaven asylum. She didn't have her Psypher Spear on her, so a random metal pole she had found had to do. The little Blue Bird followed behind her as she ran, dressed in the typical black-and-white prison uniform. The feather wings on her head were present, however, the ones that were usually situated on her hips were gone, silver hair flowing freely and out from its usual tight braided bun. At the moment, she was running through a white hallway, panting heavily, as what looked to be a fleet of Unicorn Knights chasing after her. They were quickly gaining on her, but!, a door was quickly approaching that could potentially lead her to freedom. Feel free to join in and save a Princess! ]


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