Squarewarts Application

Jul 30, 2008 14:03

Player Information

Name: Crystal
LJ Account: marco_sama
Email: draconian.eclipse [at] gmail [dot] com
Messanger: Brokenbitsofsand

In-Game Character Information

Name: Aang

Series: Avatar: the Last Airbender

Age: 13 (as of post series)


Aang is carefree, fun-loving, somewhat naive and adventurous. He lives by the philosophy of "respect for all life and the freedom of life;" refuses to eat meat and is often reluctant to fight. He seeks out the stimulation of new places and people. He prides himself on having a complex network of friends- often jumping into friendships with complete strangers he met only moments before hand.

Deeper within his inner character, Aang hides a great deal of guilt and mental burden. Most of this is because of an attack that came upon his family when he was young (further explained with the in-game history). Even though he was very young at the time, he still blames himself for being unable to help his family.

Having lost his closest familial ties at a young age, Aang is naturally protective of those he considers to be friends. His desire to protect sometimes leads to violent emotional outbursts that he cannot control- in which his magical abilities go haywire and often lash out at anyone in the vicinity.

Aang was raised among a group of traveling witches and wizards- nomads if you will. He was born into the tribe, and was trained by them as they traveled the country-side, providing services and entertainment in towns they stopped in.

When he was about seven, an attack fell upon his people- directed by extremists that hated the fact that the nomads sometimes used their magic to aid muggles. Being unable to legally use magic Aang was directed to run with the other children- he was the only one to make it out alive. He blames himself entirely for the death of his people (survivor complex).

Being orphaned after the attack, Aang wandered alone until he was found by a muggle family who took him in. He came to love the as a secondary family. He never once let on that he was a wizard, keeping his bloodline a complete secret until the day his letter from Hogwarts arrived.

Blood: Full blood- lives with a muggle family.

Preferred House: Hufflepuff

Why you think they belong in this house? Aang is devoted and loyal to everyone he considers a friend. He values honesty, fairness, and that same loyalty he shows himself. All of these values are the foundation for the Hufflepuff spirit.

School Year: Third
Quidditch Position: Seeker or Chaser
Would you like the character to possibly get a higher position? N/A

Roleplay Samples

Journal Sample: (first person)

The year has started up again! I'm glad. Summer wasn't too bad, but my parents always get fidgety when an owl other than Momo or Appa comes flying in with a letter- especially if it was ten or twenty owls at a time. At least at school I don't have to write my friends so much.

I hope I'm not the only one excited for the year to get started. It'd be kind of boring if I was. …I wonder if any of the first years need an older friend?

Roleplay Sample: (third person)

It was after hours, and Aang was not supposed to be wandering the halls. Was it really his fault if the dorm bathroom wasn't working and he had to go? He thought not…unfortunately a majority of the staff that he had stumbled upon did not agree with this view. Stingy stuck up teachers- wouldn't hurt for them to be a bit nicer now and then.

Besides this punishment was a bit much, or so he thought. "Ugh…blasted-ended skrewts. I love animals and all, but did they really have to make me clean up after you guys?"

squarewarts, aang, app

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